LJ Interests meme results
- books:
I gave my books their own room. Now they want to take over the whole house. - cats:
Their names are Cassandra and Bonadea, and they own me. - classical music:
Not just classical: baroque, early music, 1800-century Russians... Am fortunate enough to own quite a lot of it on record. - dmoz:
It eats time. - inlägg }t mig:
DHDBD! ÄDBED? - ireland:
Oh dear. Too, too many years since I visited - but I'll be going there in a month and a half, if only for a few days. - jazz:
Not all jazz. I get very stressed by the kind that has no melody at all. - kingdom of loathing:
An adventurer is me! - moomins:
Unsurpassed literature in many ways. - mornington crescent:
I win!!
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