(no subject)

Jun 29, 2005 19:00


So... here I go...

Name ten celebrities that you find attractive, then tag five of your friends:

1) Roy Scheider... HANDS OFF TAY!!! He's mine!!!!

2) Patrick Stewart... there is just something about a bald head and an British accent

3) Sean Connery... see above explanation

4) Anthony Hopkins... see above explanation

5) Martin Landau... younger is better but even old he aint' bad (although a new and better rug maker would help tremendously

6) Tommy Lee Jones... can't explain it... just think he is scrumptios

7) James Garner... see above

8) Daniel Cosgrove... an actor on Guiding Light... can't explain this one either... was just flipping channels one day and saw this guy and thought... 'oh my god!'

9) and starring... James Arness as Matt Dillon... have always had a thing for cowboys...

10) Hector... Hector is very nice looking... he has the bald head... a British accent would help... but Hector could probably do a fabulous one....

as for tagging...

think tay already wiped out my friend's list.....
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