Nov 21, 2006 21:31
the person you wish to date, never ask you out.
the person you'd never dream of dating, keeps dropping you hints.
the person you want to have dinner with, is always busy.
the person you don't want to eat dinner with, asks you almost everyday.
the person you put on piority list, doesn't have you in his/her list.
the person who isn't on your priority list, has you in his/her list.
the person whom you want to dream of, never appear in your dream.
the person you try to forget, keeps giving you nightmares.
the person you offer snacks to, is always having a sore throat.
the person you try to hide your tidbits from, comes to you so very often complaining of hunger.
the person you sms/email, never replies.
the person who sms/email you, you never bother to reply.
p.s. pls forgive the terrible grammar...