May 23, 2011 17:12
So it is 2 days until estimated due date of my child. I've decided to stop referring to the child as "She" since there is no confirmation of the sex of the child and what kind of an ass would I be if I continued to do that and then I have a son.
That however is not the focus of this entry. Once again I find myself in a spot. I'm with someone who doesn't see eye to eye with me on key aspects of raising a child and about life in general. Love can only go so far before you realize things just are not meant to work out. She doesn't believe in disciplining a child but instead is of the "hippy" camp where you just praise the child on everything they do even if it's wrong. I'm not allowed to say "bad" instead it's naughty, and keep the child smiling is the only thing that matters.
Suffice to say I think this is all bullshit. I was raised with discipline, slap on the hand, swat on the bum when I was bad. Yes I said bad. People tend to forget that pain is the greatest teacher mankind ever had. Taught us that fire is hurtful as well as helpful. I see kids today and shake my head as they are barely a step above a roving pack of wild dogs. I refuse to raise any child of mine to be a moronic follower.
I don't know what I'll do right now. I won't be parted from my child and if need be I can fight for them. I have enough to win I believe and if not enough to raise enough of a fuss to change the ruling.
Nothing is ever easy