New look ^___^

Dec 15, 2008 14:23

I like my new layout so much I went around looking for something to post about. (Thank you very much to kimmyxfleur for the base codes!)

So I was looking for today's Shukudai-kun, and I found this instead.

Arashi on Heyx3 [2008.12.15]:


Hamada: Who worked the hardest this year in Arashi?
Sho: This was mentioned before on Heyx3, but it's definitely our leader, Ohno.
Hamada: Really?
Nino: He had an exhibition, a stage-play, and a drama.
Jun: It was his first serial drama. And he was the lead.
Hamada: But even so, it's just that the rest of you didn't have dramas. Otherwise it'd be the same, right?
Jun: But it was his first time, you see.
Matsumoto: Except, he hasn't even said a single word so far.
Nino: We're sorry, please go ahead and say something.
Ohno: Well, I wanted to take it easier, actually.
Matsumoto: So say in one week, how many breaks would you want?
Ohno: In a week? Well, in that case, the whole week...
All: That long?
Matsumoto: In this world, we'd call that 'Unemployed'.

--So Aiba, Nino, and Sho, out of curiosity, go off to a massage place that offers scrubbing services.

Aiba: We were in the room, well, naked of course, and we were lying down, and then this guy comes in and the first thing he does is take his top off.
Jun: W-Why? WHY?
Aiba: We didn't know.
Nino: But it was kinda scary.
Matsumoto: It'd be scary being all alone with this other guy, right?
Aiba: The most embarrassing part was after we'd lain down, right?
Sho: I was thinking, should I even be in this pose...?
Hamada: What kind of pose was it? Okay, pretend this is the bed. So at first you were facing upwards. And then?
Jun: Who's gonna do it?
Aiba: Sho-chan will.
Sho: ME?

Aiba: So just like that, he took his top off--
Sho: And the towel here was like this.
Hamada: And your thing was hanging out. Ah, okay.
Aiba: He put quite a bit of strength into it. Like, heave-ho, sorta. And then he moves onto your legs, right?
Nino: Up until this point, it was all quite normal.
Aiba: And then. The guy going heave-ho over you just takes a breath and then he flips your thing up like this.
Hamada: Huh?
Aiba+Nino+Sho: No, for real! We're serious!

Hamada: What does he mean by doing that?!
Nino: After he's scubbed everything else, he flips your XXX over.
Matsumoto: WHY?
Aiba: And then after he's done that, he puts your legs into this position. And then goes-- in there.
[Aiba and Nino's pantomines asdflkjz]
Sho: While this was happening, he only needs to work on your lower half, right? But even so, my hands had to be like this.
[T-That's a RAPE-ME pose, Sho x_x]
Matsumoto: And you all had the same guy?
Aiba+Nino+Sho: We all had the same guy.
Sho: There was only one.

Hamada: Only three of you went?
Nino: Yeah two of us didn't go...
Jun: I was pretty tired.
Hamada: But you go to these places all the time anyway, right?
Jun: I've never gone to anything except normal massage places! Please stop.
Hamada: You didn'tget your thing flipped over?
Jun: 8|

--I liked that MatsuJun and Ohno looked as if they were hearing the details of this story for the first time. XD

EDIT: Found Aatash's full translations over at Wingsonwords and fixed my mistakes! Thank goodness not too many this time ^^ Thanks, aatash!

translation, 0______0, arashi

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