(no subject)

Dec 02, 2007 18:27

Okay, rant #238 about religion in this country.

I give you three people: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Mitt Romney.

Have you ever heard anyone say, "I don't think Obama can get the Democratic nod, because he's black."?

Have you ever heard anyone say, "I don't think Clinton can get the Democratic nod, because she's a woman."?

No, but how many times have you heard, "I don't think Mitt Romney can get the Republican nod, because he's Mormon."?

My question is this: Does this reflect poorly on the Republican party, that their voters are so small minded that they can't vote for someone of a different background than them, or does it reflect poorly on the whole nation, that we can't accept someone of a different religion running our country? Because all I have to say to all the Christians out there who could never vote for another faith- you're freaking lucky. Every time I step into the voting booth I have to hope like hell that I'm voting for someone who is going to go against what their religious right is telling them and do what is right for women, gays, and science (that's right, the big three issues). That's a hard thing to trust a politician to do.

I have hope that this country will continue to move forward, and that even the most pious Christian leaders will do the right thing, regardless of whether or not it coincides with their religious beliefs, as some have begun to do.

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