Nov 03, 2008 17:00
In case you haven't heard tomorrow is Election Day here in the U.S. (and please tell me you've heard - since at this point I'm in overload).
Are you going to vote? Or have you already voted?
I sure hope you are nodding your head yes right now.... really. We have the right to vote in this country - not a right shared by everyone in this world. So I hope you are taking advantage of that right and using it. Because in my mindset - if you don't vote you cannot complain. And look I have not told you who to vote for or how to vote on any of the particular issues... I'm just saying VOTE.
Now if you happen to be undecided and looking for guidance I'm more than happy to point you in the right direction ;) And I'm sure it wouldn't take you long to figure out what direction that would be..... but the push here is to VOTE, 'kay? Be part of history.... make a difference.