I just cannot do this justice at the moment... but as I bask in the glow of the post-game celebrations I just have to gush some more. For a sports nut like me... the Wings are one of my very first loves.... all the lean years, the amazing years, the tragedy, it's been an interesting ride. And to make it back to the top of the mountain? So sweet, so very sweet.
And I'm just a Wing nut.. already planning to swing by Hockeytown Authentics on the way to work tomorrow morning to stock up. If memory serves they'll open at 6 or 7am tomorrow morning. Perfect :D It's just $$ right? Then I have to see if I can finagle Friday off for the parade - just really bad timing with stuff at work but hopefully I'll be able to work it out because I've seen every one so far how can I not be there again?! Par-ty in the D and I want to BE THERE!
(and yes my icon has Stevie... he's now in management - still a Wing even if he isn't on the ice :p )