
Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 20, 2018 23:22

I usually say thank you first, but this year I’m giving you my apologies first for not getting this letter up in a more timely fashion! So thank you for your patience. Okay, on with the letter!

I think of Yuletide as more of an opportunity to write something a little different than request something to exacting specifications, so whatever you write is more like a totally awesome bonus than the entire reason I'm participating. In other words, NO PRESSURE. This, and my comments on the assignment, are really just suggestions in case you'd like some.

When I say "no heavy kink" I mean, well, there's been an increasing amount of watersports fic in YT over the past few seasons and I am super not into that at all. Nor am I particularly fond of long BDSM contract negotiations or scenes, especially as I've only requested one established relationship.

The most important thing really is no deathfic and I prefer a happy ending. I don't mind working for the happy ending; angst that ends well is splendid. Downer endings, though, kinda bum me out. I'm not a freak about plot-in many of the stories I love nothing really happens except maybe an internal change in a character or an emotional realization. Characters are always more important to me than plot and I adore great conversation. So feel free to have them just sitting around drinking coffee and talking about great Heart songs, or have them find a way to Save the World from Certain Destruction, or anything in between! I've asked for women or pairs of women, but while femslash is welcome it isn't expected and certainly not required.

If you want more of a sense of the sort of stories I adore, since Yuletide is its own animal, you can check out the Yuletide stories I've bookmarked and also the ones that I've received (anything here that was posted in December) as well as my Yuletide recs posts.

This year I wrote quite a bit in the optional details so I don't have much more to add-honestly you should feel free to do what you like!

Royals RPF: Meghan and Kate
I just want to see how they interact, at any point-past, present, future. Wimbledon, someone else’s wedding/christening/funeral, Trooping the Colour, hanging out at KP, whatever! Feel free to include the fellas if you like-I want a story centered around these ladies but this is not No Boys Allowed.

The mags have had a field day with this: instant friends or instant enemies. It’s has to be more complicated than that. Give me a little shading, a little something that makes them people and not the symbols-that’s their day job.

Crazy Rich Asians: Rachel and Peik Lin
All the friendship fic please! College, post-college, post-Nick, whenever you like. I just want to have the fun of seeing them interact and care for each other.

Rachel’s mom loves Peik Lin and her entire family adores Rachel. How did we get here? Or, what might it be like if Rachel moves to Singapore?

Go Fug Yourself: Charlotte and Anne
If you matched on this, you know what to do. Include intern George if you like (after all, he did at least meet them at a wedding) but please keep the focus on Anne’s sleuthing, Charlotte’s experiments, and the interaction between the two.

As long as it’s about them, you do you.

Tennis RPF: Madison and Sloane
Just them, interacting. Femslash welcome but friendship or rival fic very much welcome.

I don’t know enough to give you lots of pointers here but they’re black athletes in a very small mostly white club and also Serena’s shadow so do with that what you will!

Mostly, thank you in advance; I know that anything you do will be awesome, because it will mean more fic for one of these fandoms, and isn't that the whole point?

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