
so here's some stuff about my actual life

Aug 15, 2011 23:07

This is a mixture of fannish and real life things from the last 48 hours or so.

  • I'm helping to run a crossover challenge on jim_and_bones that we're calling Worlds Collide, so if you ever wanted to write some fic about any Chris Pine or Karl Urban character you should go check it out. I'm really excited about the response so far!
  • Damn it rained a lot Saturday night and Sunday. My cat is afraid of the rain so she hid for most of the day, poor thing.
  • I got lunch at Cosi today for reasons that aren't particularly interesting (I usually bring my lunch) and damn if they didn't leave out the chicken from my cobb salad. So I marched right back down there and got it, damn it, and he gave me extra. Just this weekend I'd been feeling like getting what's owed you and setting boundaries was seen as being entitled, so it's weird how some guy at Cosi made me feel a little better about that sort of thing.
  • Relatedly, I'm trying to get over my anxiety about crossposting. I've been poking at various Harry Potter comms for the crossposting of the sequel and various adjacent fics--so far I've racked up two h/h comms (one of which I was already a member of), two d/g comms, a rarepairs and a rarehet comm (hurrah for ron/padma). Of course there's also hp_girlslash and deamus; that goes without saying. (I also trawled around for new icons, yayness!)
  • Speaking of which, the Pansy/Parvati I posted the other day and crossposted at hp_girlslash got picked up by both quibbler_report and femslash_today which is pretty groovy. Reward for psyching myself up to crosspost!
  • They had a Ralph Bellamy fest on TCM Sunday and wow, Ralph Bellamy was the Ralph Bellamy in a lot of movies. In Headline Shooter he was even engaged to a newspaperwoman who leaves him for a more exciting newspaperman, though he wasn't played by Cary Grant.
  • My tummy is full of pasta made by hoshizora and sauce made by
    ali_wildgoose who were nice enough to ask me to stay for dinner when I came by to pick up my shades.
  • Fandom is bliss, but I'm feeling overloaded on the pop culture blogs. Any recs for things I can put on the reader that aren't about either culture or social justice activism or current politics/geopolitics/economics etc, I'd be much obliged.

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fandom meta, movies, posting stories, real life

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