
summer television, and also crossword puzzles

Jul 03, 2011 11:29

Hey so canis_takahari is bored and so I thought I'd post. I often want to post on the weekends but don't because no one is around and I figure no one is reading it-especially this weekend, which is a holiday weekend in the US, and half my flist has decamped for the internet-less countryside.

Anyway I saw
verity this week and she asked me what I was fannish about lately and I couldn't really answer her. I am not much in the fandom mainstream at the moment but I can't mange that sort of "and I'm cooler for that" defiance that I envy in some of you. But here's what I've been up to:

I watched The Voice, that new singing competition on NBC where the panel isn't judges, but coaches: Cee-Lo Green, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera, and Adam Levine. I thought it ran very well for a first season, and I'm sure they'll iron out some of the kinks. But what really excited me is that everyone, not just me, seems to think that the fun of the show is watching the coaches interact, rather than the singers. I don't know whether that's because the singers are older, and there were a lot of strong ladies, so there wasn't anything for the usual musicslash fangirls to latch onto, or whether it was because the coaches were awesome and hilarious and all musicians themselves, but it was nice to be in the pocket rather than off to the side. It also amused me that Carson Daly was such a wooden host that he made folks appreciate Ryan Seacrest.

I'm not a country fan so I'd never really paid attention to Blake, who bears a passing resemblance to a certain Karl Urban and who is alternately incredibly sincere and vaguely dickish; EW said he had a "lumbering charm." Adam is music-nerdy and enthusiastic, but also intensely competitive. With Cee-Lo as the super-calm superfreak and Xtina the generous and helpful diva the four of them make a great combination. Even Xtina noticed the pigtail-pulling between Blake and Adam and wondered when they were going to make out already, which was hilarious.

image Click to view

They also hug a lot.

To that end, I've just finished some Blake/Adam with a side of Xtina/Miranda Lambert, thanks to the encouragement of honestys_easy, and you'll see that posted within a few days. I'm excited for the return of the show this winter!

I'm also watching White Collar and enjoying it, though I'm a couple of episodes behind right now. It brings to mind some thoughts about fandom opinions, social justice, shaming, and the toxic cocktail they can make, but I may post about that later.

I'm still trying to find the right way to stream Netflix on my TV-Roku is probably the solution-and then I'll be watching Sports Night and maybe Parks & Rec, neither of which I've seen yet.

I started getting the New York Times crossword puzzles on my phone, and damn, somehow I've gotten better in time. I used to slow down at Thursday but now I'm rocking through Fridays! I'm not sure if that's just actually getting better or if being older means there are fewer super old weird clues than when I was younger.

I've also done a ton of writing lately, but that's for another post.

Hmm, looking back I'm not sure this post is that entertaining! I never did learn how to squee properly.

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