First: the new color wars polls will be up tonight, and I'm sorry I forgot to post about that on DW. It's been a weird week.
We're deep in the April doldrums, aren't we? Next week is just Castle and Justified, but the week after most shows are straight through until May. Got finale dates, though: 4 May for Justified; 12 May for the hour-long finale of Community (a week early to leave room for the Office finale); 16 May for HIMYM, Hawaii 5-0, and Castle; 17 May for Glee. But White Collar is supposedly back in June, and there's always Top Chef Masters!
Yeah, I think this week in tv will be taking the summer off.
Castle, "Law and Murder." I wish we'd ever seen the DA before, instead of bringing him in for this one-off. If he'd been even rarely recurring, we might have kind of cared. Mostly, though, why is it that nearly every time someone from their past is involved in a murder, they end up actually having done something wrong, if not the murder itself? Beckett's old mentor, Castle's boarding school friend (though not his old girlfriend), and now the DA/old pal of Capt. Montgomery (though not Esposito's old partner). Don't use the trope again, Castle! Other than that, though, I really like how the episode flowed, though I knew the brother would be back in the picture before the end. And I liked the little moment of Castle-isn't-always-the-best-dad stuff, especially what good advice Beckett gives him. The end, with Castle faking never having seen the movie so Beckett would get excited and take him, was classic Castle.
Justified, "The Spoil." OMG Mags. I'll pitch in that man, she'd better at least get an Emmy nod if not the award for her work on this show. And OMG Raylan, "The only thing we're on the same side of is like, this car." Also avoiding temptation with Miss Blake Pike Coal, especially after he's realized what a mess Winona's gotten him into, and taking back the money from his aunt and father--the look on his face when he said, "I lied," damn. Speaking of which, OMG Helen and Arlo easily covering the house during the firefight. OMG Ava, shooting the large rodent in Coover's bag for the sake of Boyd.
But my biggest OMG is for Boyd, who figured out Mags's big plan--which is absolutely the real reason she doesn't want folks selling out to Black Pike. God, Boyd has just been AWESOME this season, hasn't he?
Top Chef, "Finale." Thank goodness he won, is most of what I have to say. Though I did find the finale to be genuinely interesting to watch, especially as it was a sort of restaurant wars with a very clear leader and no design nonsense. I love that Carla won fan favorite since Fabio won it her season, so they're tied. And I love that final shot where Blais is saying, "I willed this to happen." Maybe that idea will get him to stop freaking out about everything so much?
Even though it was a bit dull in the homestretch after a fantastic beginning, I'm calling the season an overall win. And that puts us at a score of awesome winners 3 (Harold, Stephanie, Blais); kind of abrasive but really amazing chefs and probably actually good guys winners 2 (Hung and Mike); pointless winners 1 (Kevin); douchey winners 2 (Ilan and Hosea).
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