because it's probably better to be defiant than to head down the shame spiral or delete all my fic with explicit sex scenes. In no particular order.
- I don't care for coffee. Nor: pears, pineapple, organ meats, or bitter greens.
- I like mornings.
- I like Ted Mosby. I like him when he's douchey, I like him when he gets in his own way, I like him when he's ridiculous, I like how much he ships Marshall and Lily, I LOVE when he gets all architecture-nerdy, I found the entire episode where he goes to the snooty party to be awesome.
- Romo Lampkin was just about the only character on Battlestar Galactica that I did like, and I ate it up every time he was on screen.
- I really, really did not like Battlestar Galactica. And yes, I watched every single episode of that show (even the interminable third season), so yes, I get to say this.
- I know that using the MPAA scale of rating fic isn't the best fit, but it's descriptive enough that people know what they're getting into, which I feel is the entire point. That said, I sort of like the AO3 scale, too.
- I love the AO3.
- I dislike when people take some statistical analysis of the AO3 and use it to project to all of fandom.
- I also dislike that if you have a het couple in your slash fic it isn't slash anymore, and if you have a slash couple in your het fic it isn't het anymore. I'm tired of being in this weird inbetween space.
- I still ship Harry/Hermione.
- While I love my fellow Harry/Hermione shippers, archiving at Portkey was a negative experience. I won't be archiving anything else there and may take my fics back down.
- I like romance novels and I don't like it when people compare fic disparagingly to them.
- I like happy endings, especially in romances. That's why I'm there.
- I don't like dystopic futures. There's a long real-world reason why I don't like them, but yeah, not my thing.
- I like black and white movies
- I like musicals and I don't feel super drawn to most action movies.
- I don't think that not getting a slash couple together on a tv show means that the creators, producers, or broadcasters of said show are homophobic.
- I can't think of a single television show that has too much female energy, much less a show with too much female energy that has only one female main character.
- I like things that are romantic and even a bit twee.
- I have a sweet tooth and also like foods that are very strongly flavored. (This is a sign of my base class origins, and also perhaps an unrefined palate.)
- I like fruit desserts better than chocolate ones.
- I don't think that a show having enough going on to be reviewed on a weekly basis is a sign of quality or of the general worthiness of the show.
- I like clever AU fics.
- I like clever crossover fics especially when there is a couple getting together due to the crossover.
- I still like Duran Duran.
- I don't find Radiohead music to be difficult, and in fact I think that critics say that so that people won't listen to Radiohead albums. The idea that Radiohead is hard to get into kept me away from them for a long time because who wants to work that hard? Then I saw them on SNL and thought they were great, so I went out and bought Kid A and I didn't know what everyone was talking about. I haven't heard the new one but I do have five Radiohead albums and I still don't know what people are talking about. (For the record: The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, Hail to the Thief, and In Rainbows.)
- I like listening to Kid A when I'm on a plane.
- I like listening to Horace Silver when I'm on a train.
- I like listening to Ella Fitzgerald when I'm driving on the Merritt Parkway.
- I'm past being tired of bullshit click-bait "controversial" articles on websites, which is why I didn't link to an AV Club article about 22 show killing characters we're not supposed to like or something.
- I apparently like secretary rock.
- I love the song "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" especially the lines: "But used-to-be's don't count anymore/They just lie on the floor til we sweep them away" (what does that mean, Neil?) and "I remember all the things you taught me/I learned how to laugh and I learned how to cry/I learned how to love and I learned how to lie" because that song encompasses everything good and bad about the 70s.
- I hate TV news. I think it's all just not very good, period. When people complain about it I want to tell them not to watch it.
- I like my iPhone. I'm definitely not using it to its potential but it does what I need it to do.
- I think I'm a feminist. (Believe me, this is an unpopular opinion.)
- I like Anaïs Nin. She's probably the biggest influence on how I write sex scenes. I know she's erotica and therefore twee and lame and anti-feminist but I like her.
- I kind of like the word erotica, because it reminds me of a Madonna song I like, a Madonna album I like (that was really underrated at the time) and Anaïs Nin.
- I really, really, really hate the word "pr0n." Like, just say porn if you want to, whatever.
- Having to constantly assert myself as a person, and push back against all the stuff pushing on me with such an aggressive sense of outrage and obligation is making me really, really tired. But if anyone replies with "why do you care" I will seriously, seriously hit them in the head.
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