
Big Bang Recs!

Jan 09, 2011 11:20

Okay, I'm done with Yuletide reading. You RED fans can find a pile of interesting fics, both Victoria/Ivan and our pal Agent Cooper. My yuletide recs include Carol Burnett-Julie Andrews Actor RPF, Anne of Green Gables, The Apartment, Stoppard's Arcadia, Arrested Development, Austen (S&S and Persuasion), Brick, Calvin & Hobbes, Golden Girls, Great ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

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jlh January 10 2011, 14:55:23 UTC
The Chulu writers really brought it this year!


nikki4noo January 9 2011, 21:47:30 UTC
For me, I enjoyed these ones;

"Tread Softly" without having seen Inception, but I trust that author and I really was immersed in the world.

"We'll Sleep Tonight" was really nicely done but in the end felt very like original fiction to me more than an actual AU.

"Same Ghost Every Night" was an interesting premise that had me gripped from start to finish.

"Aftershocks" was pretty good too.


jlh January 10 2011, 03:09:48 UTC
Have you seen Inception since then?


nikki4noo January 10 2011, 03:34:45 UTC
I haven't. There have been people whose opinions I trust who were not that impressed with the movie and yet they did like that AU. I might get around to seeing it one day but it's not on my 'my must watch desperately' list.


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jlh January 10 2011, 03:03:19 UTC
Hey globe trotter! And yeah, natch, loved your story!

oh AND, don't forget to check out those RED Yuletide fics I linked to! There are at least two with Cooper and Frank and Sarah and Mrs. Cooper cuteness, and some of the others also have Cooper in a primary role.

Hope you're settling in well!


sangueuk January 9 2011, 23:37:53 UTC
OMG! Thanks for the double-recc! *falls over* I'm thrilled!

I'm bookmarking this page so I can read the few I've missed too!


jlh January 10 2011, 03:09:14 UTC
Yeah, these are the ones that I really responded to and then slobbered all over in the comments, haha!


weepingnaiad January 10 2011, 07:19:53 UTC
Thank you so much for the rec! I know folks don't rec their own stuff, but your Big Bang definitely needs to be on any rec list out there!

I still haven't managed them all and now I'm trying to read the space_wrapped ones.

Not enough hours in the day!


jlh January 10 2011, 14:54:20 UTC
I figure, you know, I linked to it when it went up, and then yammered about it when I did my year-end review, so that counts as self-pimping, doesn't it?

There were some good space wrapped but a lot of angst this year, I thought! Great for the angst fans, but I'm not fond of angsty Christmas trope (had too many myself).


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