
icons part two!

Sep 24, 2010 11:13

You can reply to this post as well, thusly:

  • Reply to this post with the words ALA PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES and I will pick six of your icons.
  • Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
  • Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
  • This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

smilingskull chose these icons for me, and I got really philosophical and rambly, so bear with me!

Long lo time ago, I was in a Harry Potter LJ RPG called Nocturne Alley. It was one of the first, if not the first, RPGs where the characters all had journals and used them in-character. There were no rp transcripts, no descriptions of actions in the posts--we used them like proper journals. The conceit was that in order to foster more connections between the houses, Dumbledore had set up some computer labs (handwavy magic whatever) and gave the kids all LJs. It was intense and awesome and got very popular and had a fan site and the whole thing was sort of crazy at times, but we saw it through to the end and it was immensely satisfying.
Anyway among the many things the RPG inspired was a cartoonist who made little icons of the various ships in NA, one of which was Seamus/Dean. I played Seamus, and Seamus/Dean is my for ever 'n' ever amen OTP, the horse that brung me. (Somewhat literally, since in NA Seamus was an animagus horse.) So this icon is a little cartoon of NA Seamus and Dean.

A pal of mine made this icon and I use it for generic femslash needs--sadly few people make femslashy icons unless the ship or the source gets really big. I like how very sexy it is.

TIM GUNN! I mean, how awesome is he?
Also, this icon was made for me by my dear friend Ely. She was close to my best friend in fandom, close to my oldest friend in fandom (we "met" online in 2002 and saw each other several times over the next six years) and was like my twin. We'd had many similar life experiences, good and bad. Sadly she's no longer with us--she passed away last August, very suddenly and far too young, and I miss her every day. My life now isn't the same because she was in it. So I look at this icon and yes, I see Tim Gunn, but I also see Ely, and at least now, about a year later, I can mostly smile.

This icon is taken from my fic banner:

In 2009 I wrote A Dream That Could Not Last, a long (100K words) American Idol AU set in London during 1939/40--the Phoney War and the Battle of Britain. It's probably just about the best thing I've ever written, and I will say: very accessible even if you don't know much about Idol! It's got het and boyslash and femslash and lots of stuff about black folks in the 30s/40s and how the experiences of the Spanish civil war and WWI and Mussolini's takeover of Italy shape how different folks approach the coming war with Germany. The pic is of the night that St. Paul's was bombed by the Germans.

Suzanne Vega! This was another icon acquired during my "I don't have enough icons of awesome ladies" moment, when I got or made a lot of icons of female musicians, as those are the ladies that I adore. When I was about to leave for college, back in the summer of 1987, my bff C gave me her first album for my eighteenth birthday. (He was a year behind me and very sad that I was leaving town and he had another year to go.) It always reminds me of that fall, when I was taking a philosophy class about 30s romantic comedies and I would walk back to my dorm from the Carpenter Center across a muddy and leaf-strewn Sever Quad. I'd read the philosophy chapter related to the film (Stanley Cavell, Pursuits of Happiness, read it right now) and listen to Suzanne Vega.
C's still my bff by the way; I'm headed to his place next weekend for his 40th bday party.

Oh Mr. Pine. I really love him best when he's grinning, when his eyes scrunch all up and you can see his mostly straight teeth and his face wrinkles and he just looks so happy. It's a great smile.

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movies, television, music, icons, quiz/meme, writing

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