
Marry Shag Cliff challenges!

Mar 28, 2009 22:42

ali_wildgoose thought she was being an asshole, but actually gave me a really easy trio.

Marry adult Aang, because why not, and I'm assuming this is a universe sans Katara because that crazy bitch would totally fucking hunt me down.

Shag Zuko, because he is waaaaay too high maintenance for me. Also, I'm more afraid of Mai than I am of Katara.

Cliff Jet, because he's kinda crazy, and because he's sort of already dead.

I forgot Ali's HP challenge!

Marry Remus. Why are you even asking me this?

Shag Sirius. See above. Also, inevitable threesome, etc; see Simon, Bert and Ernie, Dean.

Sadly Cliff Minerva. She's hot but she can't stand up to this competition.

mahoni also gave me a really easy trio:

Marry Dean, because he's a nice boy, and we could share Seamus. I would be okay with that.

Shag Simon. He's like, totally a one night stand that you could actually stay friends with, and hey, maybe I could get him to bring Ryan along.

Cliff Iroh, because he's had a long life and would be okay.

sistermagpie gave me two Sesame Street challenges:

Marry Bert. Shag Ernie. Bert has a longer attention span. However, in the end, it would be a threesome anyway.

Cliff Guy Smiley. He's a doll, but can't stand up to this competition.

Marry Gordon, because he's pretty groovy. But not Gordon #1, who didn't think ladies should work.

Shag Mr. Hooper. You know he's a tiger in the sack.

Cliff Bob. I fucking hate Bob.

rawles gave me BSG.

The first is easy, but the others are tough; I have to go with my heart here.

Marry Chief. Go with him to found Ireland. In the future, all Irish will look like Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy.

Shag Sam, because he's hot, but too ridiculous to deal with on an ongoing basis.

Cliff Dee, because I adore her but I'm not actually hot for her. Also she's kinda already dead; see Jet.

pinkfinity gave me some 80s music folks:

Marry Roger Taylor, still. He still looks great, and hey, he's single again!

Shag Neil Finn, who will then hopefully write an awesome song about it.

Cliff Tim Finn. I've actually never liked him. I don't like his Split Enz songs much; Woodface contains the only two CH songs I refuse to listen to ("All I Ask" and "Chocolate Cake"); I've never had a lot of time for any of the Finn Brothers projects, or Tim's solo stuff. Easy decision.

Give me more suggestions here!


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