I know I've done this a few times before, but I'm going to do it again because darn it, it is important to me, and hey, what is LJ about other than talking about stuff you love, right?
So as many of you know, and indeed have spoken about on your LJs,
astolat, who is one of the people who runs Yuletide, is a big American Idol David Cook/David Archuleta shipper. In fact, some of you who had turned your nose up at RPF in the past read her "Cookleta" and liked it. And that's great; clearly I don't have problems with RPS! As one might have predicted,
astolat got Cookleta for her Yuletide present, and I'm sure she's very happy about it and pointed to it and was full of yay, as the last time I looked the story had about 40 comments. So I'm writing to ask for a little love for another Idol RPS story at Yuletide.
I mean, Ryan and Simon are the couple who actually kissed on air (see icon, which is not a manip). And I find them to be adorable and intriguing and completely crazy and I know, I love them, but seriously: there was a kiss! The Yuletide story,
How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?, is post-kiss, and pretty awesome.
So if you were trying to think of a little thing to do for me, to show me love in this loving season, go read and comment on this story. For it to get a few more comments and not be ignored in the wake of
astolat-led Cookleta madness would be the best fandom present I could receive.
(Well, actually, the best fandom present I could receive, I did receive, from
ali_wildgoose, but I'm going to let her tell you about that.)