Love, Actually is on Bravo tonight and for various reasons I started out an hour behind, which was very handy for fast-forwarding:
Storylines of Love, Actually that I enjoy, in ascending order:
- Billy Mack and his devoted manager
- The Prime Minister and the curvy girl
- Tiny Sam and the American girl
Storyline of Love, Actually that I don't care about that much:
- That whole thing with the guy who goes to America and picks up girls in Wisconsin or something. Whatever.
Storylines of Love, Actually that I do not enjoy, in descending order:
- Colin Firth and his sort-of-maid-whatever
- Laura Linney sacrificing for her brother
- Alan Rickman being an ass to Emma Thompson
- Best man in love with bride Keira Knightly. Um, no.
Do you have movies that you only watch for the good parts?