I'm finding that I have really limited interest in the revolutionary speeches of the French working class of the late 1860s. Moving on…
Two awesome television events this week! First, I know this has been all over the flists of some of you, but Avatar concludes on Nickelodeon this week. I love endings, so I'm really excited to see this one! Check out
ali_wildgoose or
yaytime's LJs for more details, or heck, the TV Guide. (I know, old school!)
Second, the next season of Project Runway starts on Wednesday! It snuck up on me because I'm not watching Shear Genius so I have missed all the promos. AND, TiVO alert: starting at 8am Bravo is rerunning all of PR4! Rewatch Christian's march to victory! Jack's sad and far too early exit! Chris March's totally goth use of human hair! Jillian's many mini skirts! Sweet P's endless freakouts! Rami's overuse of draping!
Okay, back to the Proudhonists now.
ETA: DONE with Proudhonists. Do not think I will include level of doctrinaire detail in the review I've yet to write.