You know, one of the things I really don't like about LJ is that if you post on the weekends you don't get comments. Anyway, despite lack of interest, on with the television:
I'm sad that the last two weeks How I Met Your Mother has descended into hackneyed sitcom plots like "the gang misses the Super Bowl because they have to attend a funeral" and "a series of mishaps happen to the gang due to an unlucky penny." But the show almost redeemed itself by reminding me of its baseline premise: because Ted didn't get the job and didn't move to Chicago three months later, he meets, well, his children's mother. Now that he's dating Robin, the women he wanted since the pilot episode, and who we know is not the mother of the title (in his "present-day" voice overs, he refers to her as "Aunt Robin" to his kids) I wonder how it will be handled? Well, there are only five episodes left this year so we'll soon see, as I think this teaser indicates that he might be meeting her around season finale.
Okay, seriously, what the hell was that? Matt having some bizarre drug-induced flashback/hallucination about himself as another person? Matt clearly having been an ass to Harriet from the get go, and also the Matt-Luke thing dating that far back? And did Danny not work on the show back in the day? (He was mentioned, but did not appear.) Ugh, can we all just move on please, and can we also not have a whole Albie is a druggie plot arc? Because as tiresome as this show often is, that would make it so much more tiresome.
Meanwhile, while I didn't enjoy that Jordan ended up talking to Danny when he was so busy, I liked that he was able to actually have a conversation with her, which she used, which didn't totally tell her what to do, but respected her authority and intelligence at least to some extent, and then she got to stick it to Reality Chick. That said, I have no idea what planet Sorkin is on if he thinks that anyone other than cable is doing reality shows like the one at play (apologies? whatever). Reality is competition and game shows, not confessionals. Get your head out of 1997, okay?
Also Studio 60 is being yanked a week earlier than planned for a midseason replacement that they want to try out in March right after Heroes. This is likely because despite the high ratings for the Christmas episode, Studio 60 came back from hiatus to pretty bad numbers. Not that I thought a second season was likely, or even something that I would want to watch, but damn.
Veronica Mars, meanwhile, somewhat redeemed itself this week. Solid progress on the Dean's murder. An interesting MOTW that continues next week. Wrapping up the Dean's murder in two more episodes. Lots of Weevil. A tease of Wallace. A subplot in which an 11-year-old girl, in a totally age-appropriate manner, humiliates Logan out of moping in his bed. I was going to watch until the end of this season anyway, but this episode made me think that it won't be a torture to do so.
Top Design is no Project Runway but Todd is still delightful and Goil is still awesome.
OMG Ugly Betty! I love the somewhat realistic treatment of Alexis's return, particularly the mean boys at the bar, even if one of them was played by the actress's real life boyfriend. I also loved Betty's reaction to the bad things Daniel had done, and that Daniel didn't exactly reform. I really hope that Santos continues to step up for Justin, and also teaches him how to fight so he can kick people's ass. Poor Henry though. I wonder if Betty will ever get her accountant? (That said, who thinks things will work out with his ex? That sort of thing almost never works.)
CSI was really creepy tonight. I'm thinking our miniature killer will keep going all season.