
My life, it has changed!

Feb 05, 2007 11:36

Had a great time at soupkills's Superbowl extravaganza with the usual pot of chili-veg this time, yum!-and wings and chips and I brought three kinds of dip. I ate the leftover dip for breakfast this morning, and it was good. Pre-show, we watched the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet; post-show, we played Guitar Hero. My kind of party.

The game itself was even fun to watch (and when's the last time you could say that?) with all the turnovers and the falling in the wet grass. On their radio show this week Dan Patrick and Keith Olbermann had bemoaned the lack of weather in Super Bowls due to the use of southern and/or domed stadiums so I'm looking forward to listening today. I think they had a point; football is often played in the snow or the pouring rain and just because it's the Super Bowl doesn't mean it should be pristine, at least in my opinion.

You know, I'm actually not going to comment on the ads! I know! But I'm sort of enjoying the whole "I'm not in the industry anymore" vibe of this Super Bowl. (Last spring I was freelancing so I still had a hand in.) However, I encourage you to check out the USA Today coverage and Bob Garfield's Ad Age podcast.

Instead, let's talk television.

sistermagpie, I totally agree with you about the Hilda/Betty non-resolution on Ugly Betty this week. I thought Hilda had a point with her whole "in the game of life Betty actually wins" bit but it's hard to be hardworking and not as well liked as you might be. I wish that Hilda would be protective of Betty in a way that actually felt protective. And I also agree that Hilda's "reason" for not telling Betty that Henry called was not her real reason, though I wonder if Hilda herself understands that; I couldn't tell by the way she played it. (Ignacio's side plot is somewhat silly, but doesn't interfere so I sort of don't care.)

I adored Daniel's protectiveness of Betty. I am just loving their growing friendship and the effect they have on each other. I would hope that they don't go the ship route with those two and leave them as friends because I don't think they suit. I did like how complementary Henry was about Betty's looks, which we really haven't heard from anyone except her father. Daniel and Alexis went pretty much as expected (I really liked the use of Daniel's friend to goad Daniel into flirting with Alexis) and I appreciated that Alexis' gender reassignment surgery was genuine and not just a ploy. I loved the parallel sibling issues stories, with Daniel and Betty standing side by side at the end.

I'm so excited that Gil is back on CSI this coming week, and also that the beard is back! I'm also intrigued that Nick, who is usually so trusting, really to a fault, is the one who is the most distrustful of Kepler, while Cath, who never trusts anyone, has been the one to work most closely with him. I reckon that after this the whole serial killer thing will start up again, but I hope that they don't make us wait very long before Gil finally opens up that box. I wonder what that letter was he was writing to Sara? I just wish this show wouldn't be so on-off with the character development, because it's really annoying.

I find that I don't have much to say about Veronica Mars these days and that makes me sad. This season just isn't pulling me in like others have. The rape arc had its moments but was ultimately somewhat confusing. I had thought the summer rape was faked, but I guess they meant us to think that Mercer had snuck back up to SD from TJ while Logan was drugged? Could they have told us that before?

I listened to the writer's podcasts on the last two episodes but they only irritated me and I think I might write to them and tell them look, like, either pay attention or don't do the podcast, but don't do it half-assed. Anyway, Diane Ruggiero wrote this week's episode and was apparently disappointed that the TWoP folks hated the whole "tell me who you were with, Logan, I can be cool" story which she thought was "real" because she's done it. Well, of course it's "real," but that doesn't mean it isn't really fucking stupid, as in, if she were my girlfriend I would say, "Jesus, Veronica, of course you care! What were you doing?" The TWoP'ers apparently thought it was all a little too One Tree Hill and I agree; it's what makes me nervous about losing the mystery arcs. Apparently the whole find-a-hooker story was also from something they almost did, which just made me feel like Diane Ruggiero isn't someone I would want to hang out with in real life, and it worries me that she's the most senior female writer on staff with all these guys.

Also? Keith has to stop thinking he can wander around incognito. What part of "notorious" do you not understand, Keith? You were in a New Yorker profile. You had a national best seller that I think they turned into a movie of the week. You were all over the press, especially in your hometown. You just ran for sheriff last year! Sheesh!

csi, ugly betty, veronica mars

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