A few notes, now that I've gotten back into this whole posting all the time thing.
I decided I'm not going to post about gender and sexuality and slash because it never ends and it's a pointless question to begin with. The more that the posts go around in a circle the more it's clear to this reader how much of it is selection bias and that the economics of publishing and television are such that these fans are not doing me or themselves any favors. So I'm just going to go back to watching Ugly Betty and let them fight amongst themselves.
What I can't decide is whether I want to link any of these posts to like, metafandom or anything. Like, do I want more people reading it? Does it feel sort of self-pimping, or is that just my natural reticence talking? I'm not sure.
Also, everyone will just have to smile and nod about my current interest in
All Things Keith Olbermann. I used to watch his original MSNBC show, years ago, until it devolved into the Daily Lewinsky Update, and then he quit and tried to launch Fox Sports as a real network which never succeeded for many reasons that I could go into but won't, and then he quit again and just wrote for Slate for a while. Now he's back on MSNBC doing pretty much whatever he wants and making "special comments" that get him on YouTube. I've always enjoyed his quick mind; he makes the sort of bizarre connections that I do, and who doesn't fall for a mind that works like one's own? He's snarky, yes, but at least he brings the snark about people who can stand up to him, and sometimes he's just flat out silly. Anyway, I also have started listening to him on the radio with Dan Patrick and there's something about listening to people have a knowledgeable conversation about topics one knows nothing about that I find really enjoyable. (Very different from getting lectured or condescended to, which I cannot stand.) Two friends had a whole conversation about gaming in the car on the way back from MA at the New Year and it's fun to listen to that sort of thing. Listening to Dan and Keith yammer away about sports gives me the same sort of pleasure, though once again I wish there was tivo for the radio as the free podcast is only part of the show.
I went on the fan comms here on LJ looking for icons, or screen shots to make icons from, and I was sort of weirded out mostly because while I am into Keith, I don't find him particularly handsome. He's smart and funny and a big sports geek, so of course I'm into him because I like that sort of thing, but the whole "he's so HOTT and here's the pictures I masturbate to" thing had me a bit baffled, so I backed away slowly. It's not that it's wrong or creepier than anything else, just that it isn't my reaction to him.
Here's weirdness: So yesterday Dan and Keith were on the radio talking about the Patriots-Chargers game on Sunday and how one of the Chargers stars feels that the Patriots were disrespectful in their celebration of their win. I hadn't seen that part of the game as I'd already boarded my flight, so I googled "patriots disrespectful" to get the story of what actually happened as D&K had already wandered off into meta. The very first result, which was about the game and not, you know, some other patriots being disrespectful about something else, was on Al Jazeera. Seriously. A silly meta story about behavior on the field in American football was on Al Jazeera? What the hell?