I'd say this was a GIP except there's a whole post here. However, regard the icon!
So on Tuesday I worked and then CC and I had mediocre sushi (good fish, too much rice, bit bland) and good bubble tea and then watched two eps of Veronica Mars.
We literally screamed out loud during the kiss and I had to get online and scream, and find Rach, and CC posted as you saw. I really hope someone makes that moving icon for her as I'm sure it would amuse.
Wednesday morning I took Veda to the vet and surprise, she was good as gold! She didn't want to go into her carrier, but at the vet she stood nicely on the table and let him look at her, and weigh her, and let the assistant hold her while the vet gave her some shots, and then put her back in her carrier. I didn't even recognize my own cat she was so good! Then I worked and saw my friend S for dinner, who is going to have another baby in November, somewhat unexpectedly. S: "If you have unprotected sex, you will get pregnant, even if you're nursing!" I think it also surprised her since it took them a while to get pregnant the first time, so I don't think she was thinking of herself as particularly fertile. Her son is crawling around like a demon and starting to remember me from my semimonthly visits which is exciting.
Thursday consisted of 16 hours of sucking, so let's not discuss that. However, at 5pm, about two hours after she'd given birth, Heidi pings me asking me to upload a picture to LJ for her as it's tough to do remotely. Then she says:
H: Wow, I'm hungry.
H: Well, yeah.
Yesterday was much better-I worked and then went to the bookstore to get Fruits Basket 8 and the market for a few things that I couldn't get via Fresh Direct. After dinner I ate a bowl of left over sponge cake, two containers of Cozy Shack chocolate pudding, a half pint of raspberries, and whipped cream. I'm sure you can tell many things from that.
I'm annoyed because
Scott Simon isn't on
the radio this morning, and
Susan Stamberg is filling in for him and I really cannot stand her. She is so irritating. She just did a whole piece on why the jingle has gone the way of the dodo, and later she's doing something on the 75th anniversary of the Twinkie. Scott has a wonderful sense of the ridiculous and a fantastic laugh. Susan has no sense of anything and the most annoying laugh ever. This is starting my day off on a bad note. Kurt,
Studio 360 had better be good. ETA: It wasn't. I read Fruits Basket instead.