
Blah blah blah

Jul 14, 2004 13:17

I simply cannot focus. I'm not bored, exactly, as there are things I could be doing. But, there haven't been a lot of people on YM lately, and I didn't realize how much vaguely chatting with everyone gets me through the workday. So instead, I've been perusing friendsfriends. What I love about that is seeing some totally crazy community or person ranting and you can click through to their info to see who the bloody hell on your flist has them friended. My results so far are:
  • People who don't want kids enough to be in a community about it seem really angry. Dude, you have my total support. There is nothing worse on this earth that people who don't want kids, having kids. But seriously, is the hostility necessary?
  • There are a lot of Alton Brown fans out there and thank god for that. I love that on his blog he said "The fact that "Dr." Phil has the number 1 cookbook on Amazon.com makes me want to end it all."
  • I need Photoshop now now now now now because I am suffering from severe icon envy and now I want to sit around making icons of everything I think is cool. Which is a lot of stuff, let me tell you. Luckily I have connections.
  • Silly entries are fun from friends and entirely uninteresting from strangers.
I am going to put friendsfriends on my link list for ease of use. Further proof of my lack of focus:

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I am hugely loving the "indie rock" channel on YM radio. Also, thanks to the_snoo my new catchphrase is "gay gay gay." As in, "I watched a documentary on Peter Allen last night and wow, was he gay. Gay gay gay."

fandom meta, radio, television

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