
Because this place has become meme central . . .

Jun 21, 2004 01:09

Killer II: The Collaborative Meme Strikes Back


morganmuffle: What is the one thing that cheers you up when you're feeling down?
Singing. I even have a mix of songs I like to sing along to so I don't have to play shuffle with my CDs. It's because it's physical and cathartic, and it's something I do well and am reasonably confident about, so it always makes me feel better.

soupytwist: If you could somehow magically save one item from your past which you no longer have, what would it be and why?
I have nearly everything that I feel sentimental about, like my favorite stuffed animal from when I was five, which has been everywhere with me and is in this very apartment. So I suppose I'll have to choose the silver VW Golf I had in high school, because it was my first car, it was super sweet, and I haven't had a car since, because I keep living in large cities. That choice is likely more symbolic than anything else, though.

anthon1: If you met yourself and had no idea who you (the other you, not the you that's answering the question) were, what would you (the meeter) think of yourself? (The met) (Note- the English language needs more pronouns)
How can anyone possibly answer this? I absolutely lack the unbiased self-knowledge to answer it, myself.

eilanhp: which colours are the clothes you wear most often and why do you wear these colours?
I wear colors I look good in: red and blue and black, and pink, and purple, and some green.

loupnoir: What item do you have that really is quite useless for your current life but you cannot bear to part with it?
Likely the above stuffed animal.

septemberrains: What is your most embarassing memory of your teenage years?
I have surpressed it successfully.

bbathory: It's ten years down the road, and you are, by your own measure (if not necessarily society's), successful. What does this mean?
I have a family.

ladycrookshanks: Ten years ago, what did you imagine your life would be like now?
Not like this.


amaterasu: If you could relive a meal from your past, which would it be and why?
Wow, complicated. There could be the last time my family would ever eat together, which was Thanksgiving 1991, but I don't think I'd want to return to that moment knowing what I know now as it would be far too heartbreaking. So I'd pick that 4th of July before my 30th birthday when I hauled a bunch of friends up to Maine and kicked my parents out of my house for the weekend, and we came back from a day on the beach to my brother making us a lobster dinner. I was surrounded by the people I love, and it was brilliant.

wolf_cat: Which snack food best represents you and why?
Wow, I have no idea. Salt & Vinegar potato chips represent where I'm from more than me. I do eat a lot of fruit leather, though.

mickat24: you were having dinner with the Queen (at your place), what would you serve her?
Well, FDR already served her hot dogs. I suppose I'd give her take out pizza, beer, and Ben & Jerry's eaten right out of the carton.


muffinbutt: If money and availability were no object, what is the one thing you would most want to give to another person, and to whom?
I honestly can't think of anything monetary that I would really want to give to someone. I mean, I would want for my friends to be successful in their chosen paths, more than anything else.

chinawolf: If you could move to any place in the world, provided money were no object, where would you move?
I would want a place here in the city, and a place in Maine.

nostrademons: If you could include one question on a meme, what would it be?
"What is the meaning of this?" Or possibly "Why is this man smiling?"

spin1978: What is the one place on the planet that you have absolutely no desire to visit in any way, shape, or form?
Anyplace in the tropics, be it jungle, beach or desert.
Also the suburbs of Moscow, because that Stalinist architecture sucks.


autumnlaborra: Describe one your most vivid dreams in as great detail as possible. It doesn't have to be a particularly good or bad dream, just one that you remember really well, for whatever reason. Include how long ago you dreamed it, and any guesses as to why you dreamed that.
Hm. Once when I was in middle school I dreamt that I was looking for a polka-dotted shirt, which I could not find, and I ended up sleepwalking out into the living room looking for this non-existant shirt. I have no idea why I dreamt this.

tea_and_toast: Tell me about the most interesting (be it moving, important, ridiculous or whatever) experience you've ever had at a museum or memorial site.
So my friend Pierre and I are running about in Europe, and we find ourselves in Amsterdam, and go to the Anne Frank house. Which, is a really cool place and I highly recommend it, but it's just a house, on a street. We happen to look out the back window of the house and in an adjoining yard was the largest cat I have ever seen. It was orange and had to have weighed about 30 pounds. So here we are, Pierre and I, going "puss puss puss" out the back window of the Anne Frank House. Which pretty much sums up our trip.

wowbagger: Tell me a story about two people who changed your life. (That is, two different stories.) One good, one bad. You can take this any way you like; one changed your life for the better, one for the worse; both good, though one was in bad circumstances, etc.
My father changed my life for the worse, and I decline to tell you that story.
When I was in my late senior year of high school, a family friend who taught at our school and also served on and off in state government talked to me when I was in the midst of my college decision and said that nothing was irrevocable. I wasn't making a decision that would cast my fate in steel or stone or something. Up until that point I had been so fixated on a specific route out of my horrible small town that I had convinced myself that any false step meant disaster, but I suddenly realized that I could relax, enjoy life a little bit more, and things would generally work out, career-wise. Which has for the most part been true.

hannab8: What is the best bit of advice given to you by a parent or guardian?
My mother, who said we should be able to cook for ourselves.


anugua9: You have been memorialized as a sculpture. Describe it. Who is the sculptor? Of what material? What pose?
I would think it would be nonrepresentational, actually. Possibly of wrought iron. Possibly sculpted by my best friend's mother.

manubai: If you were to be memorialized, why medium would you choose? (As in paint, sculpture, photograph, film, etc...) Keep in mind it would be displayed in a public place.
Ugh. I don't know, I think a painting would be fine, and appropriately formal and all of that.

perceval: Which inscription would you like to see on your tombstone?
How morbid. Nothing, really. I like the ones that don't say much. Possibly, "Beloved friend, wife and mother"?


skycastle: If the world was ending, and you could only save 3 people, as well as yourself, who would the 3 people be?
C, D and Pierre

angelofthenorth: this reality is being destroyed. You have to choose a fictional reality to spend your life in - must be a work published professionally - which do you choose and why?
Sayers, but only if I get to be Harriet Wimsey.
HP, but only if I'm a witch.
Or maybe being Liz Imbrie in Philadelphia Story.

luminousmarble: You're the person on the space shuttle to a new planet entrusted with bringing one (and only one) game from Earth. It could be a board game, a card game, or one that needs no props--don't worry, someone else is taking care of sport(s). What do you choose, and why?
Well, that's silly, because if you bring a deck of cards you are automatically bringing many, many games, and since I am a good packer and multipurposer, I would bring a deck of cards and all the games it implies.


calimie: What publically known person do you worship and adore endessly? (If you do, anyway)
Madonna, because she is so fearless, and because she does do all this shit on purpose, and if there is one person who will be able to be a sexy mom, it's her.

aome: Provide a book quote which really touched you or struck you in some way (include the source).
"The better work men do is always done under stress and at great personal cost." William Carlos Williams, "Spring and All"

hiddenhibiscus: True or False: Watching/Reading Harry Potter with my child is more fun than alone.
Well, since I don't have one . . .

sofie_elisabeth: What is the one book that you read over and over again?
Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers.

glissando: What books are you currently reading, and why?
I'm reading Fruits Basket manga, some short stuff my friend Julie wrote while I wait for her next novel, and some Diana Wynn Jones that calloocallay leant me.

redwood7: What is the worst movie you've ever seen? Why was it so terrible?
Phone Booth, without question, because as a thriller it racheted up the tension all right-and then gave the audience neither release nor a satisfactory ending. I was furious when I left the theater.

hildigunnur: Name the three songs (artists, groups) that annoy you the most. You know, the ones they can use to torture you.
It's more like genres. Mostly opera because I cannot sing it. I don't care for doo wop much but that's because I've sung too much of it; I can be forced to listen to it.


uninvitedcat: What would you most like to see happen and why,
a) in Real life in
i) Six month's time: Getting into school
ii) A year's time: Getting ready to go back to school
b) in Fandom in
i) Six month's time: People getting along?
ii) A year's time: People getting along?

cynthia_black: If you were confronted with a Boggart, what shape would it assume, and how would you change it to make it funny?
Something to do with loneliness, which I would change into a friend making a silly face at me.

slowfox: If Hedwig turned up on your windowsill, which single one of the Harry Potter books would you send a 10 year old Boy Who Lived as a warning of what he was up against, and why?
Okay, this question just doesn't work for me. First of all, on a practical level, he wouldn't receive the book because the Dursleys took all his mail. So there's that.
But if I were to send him something, it certainly wouldn't be a warning of what he was up against! It would be something to give him hope, to say, "Someday you will no longer be living in this cupboard. You will go to a place where people will love you. Hang on." Because it is that, that he needed to hear, at that time.
So, being that I am hopeful about the ending, I'd probably send him book 7 so he could see how it ends. But if I were less hopeful, I'd send him book 3 because he gets Sirius and Remus in that one.


lync: If you were to design a "believable" reality tv show, what would it's premise be and why should I watch it?
It would be like the Monkees, only real, and you would want to watch it because the band would be really really cool and play a song at the end of every episode.
They would not, however, wear double breasted shirts.

piperx: Do you believe in UFOs?
Well, sort of. Do I believe there is other intelligent life in the universe? The odds say there is, and dude, we so don't know everything. Do I believe there is life that has figured out how to leave its own galaxy? Probably. But after that, one asks, why would they come here? To get the Starsky and Hutch DVDs?

whitealbum: With reference to your own experience, answer this question: what is the difference between a penguin?

Killer II is the second iteration of the collaborative meme, and you can copy all the questions, including the markup tags, cut tags and html links, from this post here.


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