NaNo- Week One

Nov 11, 2010 03:46

Wow, so the first week of NaNo has passed far too quickly for my liking. It was fun, it was traumatic, and most of all, I got words down.

So, without further ado, I present to you my metrics for the week, which I am fairly impressed with.

1/11 Monday: 4033
2/11 Tuesday: 2010
3/11 Wednesday: 0
4/11 Thursday: 4496
5/11 Friday: 63
6/11 Saturday: 0
7/11 Sunday: 3197

Total for this week: 13,799
Total word count: 13,799
Deadline: 30 Novemeber

NaNo word count meter:

Total word count meter:

Unfortunately, I feel as if I'm losing my NaNo high. It happened last year, as well; after the excitement of NaNo passed, I'm left bored of my story and not as motivated. Right now, my only motivation is to keep ahead of my buddies :P

In the last week, I have gone through one and a half slabs of coke (with each slab having 24 cans... you do the math), 29 cups of tea, 17 cups of coffee, 4 microwave lasagnes, countless toasted cheese sandwiches, 3 JagerBombs, approx 5 cocktails, 1 apple-vanilla martini and 1 pint of apple cider. Oh, and 1 book, I'm ashamed to say (actually, that I finished the book after week 1, which is even more embarassing).
Hopefully, I'll pick up speed on the reading front. And drop the death-by-hydration act (even though technically, tea and alcohol dehydrate you..).

I think my main problem is underestimating the chapter lengths.
Most of my chapters have always been around 5-7k long, whereas most of my chapters for Fool's Gold are 2-3k. Actually, my longest chapter is about 5k, which bothers me. And I'm fearing that I'm going to finish the story WELL before I hit 50k. I'm already almost halfway through my outline.
I guess this means I throw in a few minor plot points, or as aekubo  would do, throw in some zombies. :P

And bah... I made the mistake of sending my boyfriend the first few chapters of it, and now he won't stop pestering me to send him the next chapter. *rages* silly boy. ^-^ But I'm glad he's taken an interest in my writing-ness. He even helped me figure out how to advance onwards with the plot in chapter 6. Yay.

And now, time for a song that has had a huge impact on my story as of late:

image Click to view

It's a really pretty song, methinks. ^-^
I've really gotten into this band. They seem to have a lot of steampunk-ish songs, which is exactly what I need. Y'all should check them out. :3

life, procrastination, nano'10, new story, wip, writing, nanowrimo, fool's gold, word metrics

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