*gasp* I'm a day late in posting my weekly word counts! D:
Quickly, before I waste any more time, here they are:
Monday: 1165
Tuesday: 1099
Wednesday: 1827
Thursday: 1035
Friday: 1000
Saturday: 308 (would have been about 500, but I was so tired that I accidentally deleted 200ish words and couldn't be bothered getting them back)
Sunday: 0
Total for this week: 6434
Total word count: 58,127
Word count goal for the week: 75,000
Words behind goal: 16,873
Deadline: 31st October
This week has been a particularly good week in terms of writing. My goal for each week is 5,000 words, and I have gone over that goal by over 1k. Which I think is just brilliant.
Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll be able to finish this story before NaNo. There's still about 20k left of this story, where the prince and princess accidentally fall in love after the princess saves the prince's life. Then I have to fix a revolution, or at least, make the prince realise that the revolution actually was neccessary. And that in itself requires so much research that I may just explode.
But thank god I love the history of revolutions. In fact, last year, I studied the French and the Russian Revolutions. ^-^
On Sunday, I went to a pop culture expo, called Armageddon. It was exhausting and totally fun. I even saw two of the doctors from Doctor Who (although, I'm sad to say that I can't recall their names, for I don't really watch Doctor Who. I should, but I don't), and a few voice actors from various animes and cartoons.
The most notable thing at the expo was the DeLorean, which, if you're an a nerd like me, would recognise as the car from the Back to the Future trilogy. It was pretty amazing.
Also worth noting, there were so many cosplayers there and it made me wish that I cosplayed as well, though can't decide who I should cosplay as. As far as I can tell, I don't look like any fictional characters.
So, that was my week. t was fairly uneventful. But full of writing. Yay.
How was your week, fellow LJ-ers?