Today is Sunday, which means weekly metrics. Yay!
This week hasn't been much of a good week in terms of writing. I'll let you see why:
Monday: 0
Tuesday: 0
Wednesday: 0
Thursday: 0
Friday: 0
Saturday: 208
Sunday: 2338 (woot!)
Total for this week: 2546
Total word count: 44,089
Word count goal for the week: 60,000
Words behind goal: 15,911
Deadline: 31st October
Okay, so... despite having a week off uni, which I was planning to use to catch up on my word count goal, and also work on editing Ruby Red a bit, I found myself so busy and tired that I couldn't find the time to write.
A lengthy essay about how my week has been, along with some pictures, under the cut:
On Monday, I went to the Royal Melbourne Show, which is like a fair, and saw cows and horses and dogs and llamas and chickens. Here, have a look (click the pic to enlarge it):
Baby chick hatching :)
baby chickens :)
baby llamas :D
Various sheep (and random goat). I love the first picture. :D
Bichon Frise getting groomed
grumpy Bulldog :)
My favouritest dog ever, the majestic Chow Chow. :D
2nd fave dog: Shiba Inu :)
A griffon bruxellois, or as my friends and I like to call them, ewok dogs :P
Jack Russells on parade ^-^
I don't know why this cow looks like its neck is broken. Herpa derp?
Ferris wheel.
turkey goes *gobblegobble*
My friends thought it would be funny if they took a picture of me with all their showbags. I assure you, all that is not mine. Just the Pokemon bag in my hand. :)
Okay, so that's Monday. On Tuesday, I was so dead from Monday that I didn't write. Also, I got my Docs, and I was too excited to say anything apart from "OMG!!!"
On Wednesday, I went with my uni friends to get pierced. It was like a group session thing. I got my vertical tragus done. If you haven't seen it on Twitter, here it is:
I don't know what my excuse for Thursday is. But eh.
On Friday, I had to model for a friend for their media project. It was great fun. Here are the pics, roughly photoshopped, and not the final version:
If you've seen the video 'Heads Will Roll' by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, then you'll notice some similarities (decapitation and paper blood, anyone?)
It was tre fun. And lookie! New Docs! So pretty and shiny and *drools*
On Saturday, I went to the city and tried to avoid the footy, as it was Grand Final day, and I care little for such things.
So that leaves today, Sunday as my binge-writing day.
In other news, I've been slowly overdosing on Dr Pepper (I had the excellent pleasure of coming across the limited edition Iron Man 2 cans of DP. They are now sitting on my desk, serving as my muses.) and Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and Reece's Pieces. Man, they are so addictive. I wish we had more American candy here in Australia.
Also, I got a tumblr, so y'all should follow me and whatnot. Simply so I can say that I'm not alone in this crazy thing :P This has been a wonderfully delicious week, despite the lack of writing that has been happening for the most part.
How'd your week go, everyone on f-list? Did you have any encounters with broken-necked cows or ewok dogs, or have you overdosed on any delicious candy? :P