Feb 17, 2005 08:58
So things have gone from slightly busy, to full on crazy busy. I have such a hectic schedule that I dont really have a life outside of work. I get up at 430 AM, yes that says AM. I'm on the road to work by 530 and starting on tax returns by 630 AM, an hour when most people are just getting upt for work. I'm at work till anywhere from 5 to 630 which of course means I get home at night anytime from 6 to 730. By the time I get home Mana and the kids have already ate dinner and mine is out waiting for me. I eat watch a bit of TV and I'm in bed by 9 so that I can get a couple hours of sleep before I get up and do it all over again. Then come Saturday I get up at 6 so I can get to work between 730 and 8, work until about 2 or 3. I have yet to come in on Sundays but I'm sure if you give about 2 or 3 weeks I'll be in here on Sundays too. Whoever decided that taxes needed to be in on April 15th is an ASSHOLE!!! If they gave me until maybe June, things wouldnt be so hectic, what the hell am I saying people would still bring it in last minute and I would still be crazy. O well the extra money is helping to pay the bills down so thats nice.
I had a good valentines day weekend. I went out to dinner on Sunday night to a very good steak resturant. Then when I got to my car monday before work I had a teddy bear and frog sitting in the front seats with a card. If that wasnt great enough I got roses delivered to me at work. They were beautiful. I came home and he and I babysat my roommates kids so she could go out to dinner and a movie with her boyfriend. So all in all I had an amazing valentines weekend. I hope everyone else had good ones.
Ok well I better get back to work. Sorry for not calling or chatting lately guys. I've been super busy and super exhusted. I promise after April 15th I'll be super better but please cut me some slack till then. Love you all