Oct 27, 2004 01:51
OK, so I have finally jumped into this live journal craze thing. Ummmm, I haven't kept a diary/journal since I was around 18. Then I got a myspace page and have posted various blogs on there. The majority of my blogs are bullshit and have no meaning whatsoever. Kind of like...I post quiz results in there. On occasion I rant about something. Mostly it's bullshit though.
Where to start...
let's see. I am an average 22 year old female from the midwest. I don't work because I hate working, it's bad for your health. I do have an income, it is completely legal, though rather unsteady. But I typically have money when I need it. I would have some money right now if I hadn't acquired a $130 speeding ticket in August and then blew $300 in less than a week at the beginning of October on beer.
There you go, I am a heavy drinker. Which brings me, inevitably to last weekend....now THAT was good fun.
So let me kick it off this way. I am a band whore. I am all about local bands, as well as any other band that doesn't suck...IN MY OPINION. If I mention a band I like that you hate....well keep your mouth shut, because I don't fucking care. I like what I like and no piss ant opinion is going to change that.
Anyways, I am really good friends with a few of the local bands. One of which, had a show last weekend (on the 22nd) at the Hard Rock Cafe in St. Louis. So, they asked me to come...which I of course went to. They had a ticket/guest list thing set up for me. So I got there about 45 minutes before doors...and this includes my getting lost and going 10 blocks too far down. I ended up getting directions from a city cop on how to get there after I had turned around...and lo and behold...where I found the cop, was only, LITERALLY, one block away from the HRC. So YAYA!!
So yeah, I get there and I go in and there are my hotties...Josh, Boyer, and Johnny....sitting in a booth prepping shit for the show. So I meander over and start talking to them. Josh got out of the booth so I could slide in. So on my side of the booth, is me, Josh, and a box full of their merchandise...very cramped. On the other side...is Boyer (who's, btw, name is Jeff) and Johnny (mmmmm that boy....OMG, I'll have something to say about him OFTEN). So we're all just sitting there talking and the flirting commeces between Johnny and myself. Josh and I were talking about myspace, or rather, he brought it up and bitched that I had taken down my picture of us (us = me and all of the threesixtysmile boys....stellar ass pic). I had changed the pic to me and the guys from moderndayzero (one of my other ALL TIME FAVORITE local bands...those guys are my family). I put that pic up because, 1) it was new, and 2) Matt, one of the former members was leaving and that was his last night with the band. So I explained that to Josh...and he struck back, in a teasing voice and nudged me, and said that he'd noticed for a LONG time, the pic I had put up was that of me and Johnny, my "main squeeze."
So yeah, the entire band, including Johnny, knows that I am hard up for him. Big fucking deal. Johnny is everything to me. I wouldn't say that I am in love with him, I don't walk around in a dream state all day long thinking of him. Although he is on my mind a LOT. Johnny is a great guy. I'll explain more about him in a bit.
Back to the show. So Natas (who's name is Joey) walks up and bam, the whole gang is together. So after chatting with them for a while, they start pulling out all of their merchandise and setting it up. Well, I'm anal retentive and I re-organized everything they had set out. Well, while I'm sitting there, Natas asks me if I was comfortable running merch for them that night, or did I want him to get somebody else to do it. I told him I was fine with it, besides, there was nobody else there they trusted that would do it.
As a way of saying thank you, they added me to their bar tab and that set it off. Well, the first drink I got, Boyer paid for out of his pocket for me. I was sitting there listening to/watching the first band, who btw, was some local cover band that was really shitty. So Boyer comes up behind me and says that I looked bored and asked if I was ok, I said yeah and he asked where my drink was. Told him I was broke and he asked what I wanted. SCORE! So anywho, after that one drink, I was on the bar tab. I was already tipsy when they came back off stage and whatnot. So then we close merch up and head outside...where I proceed to recieve more drinks because they apparantly packed a cooler in Boyer's truck full of beer.
After that....PARTY TIME! They ask me if I'm going home or coming to the afterparty at Boyer's house. I wasn't anywhere near ready to go home. So I follow the crew out to Boyer's, who btw, lives in the middle of nowhere. So yeah, I proceed to drink myself into oblivion at Boyer's...
I'm so drunk by this point, I can't even stand up for 2 minutes straight without falling on my ass. I'm sure they enjoyed that display I put on. Johnny and I talked for a bit at the party, but his stupid skank gf was there, so we didn't get to talk too much.
Blah blah blah....long of the short...I passed out on Boyer's couch at 4 in the morning and woke up at noon the next day. I had to get directions from him on how to get home....I had NO FUCKING CLUE where I was at. That is always fun. I had a nasty hangover on account of the night before...which lasted all weekend. I don't even know when the last time was that I was that insanely drunk, but, lmao, that was FUN!
God Bless Boyer for letting me stay at his house!
So let's see...on to Johnny. I met him about a month ago. At this hole in the wall bar/venue called Pop's, in Sauget, IL. His band, threesixtysmile, was opening for Blue October and socialburn. I ended up hanging out drinking with Blue, socialburn, and 360 until 4 in the morning that night. Johnny and I talked on and off for a while that night.
Well, the next time I saw him was on October 1 at Pop's again. His band had another show that I went out for. I was pretty lit that night, but not like last weekend. Anyways, we talked for a good bit that night. I made it clear to him that I like him...and he asked why I liked him. I initially told him that I can't explain why, I am drawn to him...and that is all there is to it. I have really yet to figure it out. I mean, there is the typical: he's a nice guy, sexy, charming, handsome, friendly, funny, good conversationalist, he has BEAUTIFUL green eyes, very clean cut, tall, smooth-talker, great smile, smells good...he's in a band and plays guitar.....yadda yadda yadda. But there is something more there and I don't know what it is, but it draws me to him. I mean...put it this way, there are a bunch of other hot ass guys that are interested in me...most of which are guys in bands, but that is because 99% of my friends are in bands. And granted, I'm attracted to those guys...but I'm not drawn to any of them. Johnny and I just.....click.
So we were flirting a good bit that night (Oct 1) and he kissed me. And DAMN that boy is a good kisser. Now...it was just a quick, short, sweet kiss on the lips, no tounge, nothing...just a peck, so to speak. There was an electricity there. Which he felt too, I know because while I was still marveling in that kiss...he commented on it.
Well the other night at the HRC, he had come over to the booth while the band before his was on and sat with me (I was there by myself running merch). We started talking for a little bit, and I cut him off and told him that there was so much for us to say to eachother, but he'd have to forgive my lack of attention because his eyes kept distracting me. He smiled at me really big and thanked me for the compliment then commented that I have some really good lines that I've been using on him. LOL. Anyways, he gives me this....this smile that just made me melt and said, "I have a strong desire to kiss you right now....."
But unfortunately his gf was within 10 feet of us, so that was a no go. I told him though, that I wanted to kiss him too. And that I wanted a longer kiss than the last one. He grinned and said that he did too.
So yeah, there is a strong sexual tension between Johnny and myself. But there is more to it than that. Because if it was just going to be about sex, we would have slept together already. I'm confused about where to go with this because the last time I REMOTELY felt this way about a guy (and it was nowhere NEAR as intense as this is) was when I was 16....that was my first love. Piere (R.I.P.).
Hmmmm, ok, so maybe I am in love with this guy. I don't know. I really don't want to be in love with anybody because that leads to nothing but heartache. But I do know...I care about this guy more than I've ever cared about ANYONE.
Ok, so that is my rant for the time being...
So until the next time I have something to say....which will inevitabley be after this weekend. Seeing as this weekend is Halloween. And on Thursday I am going to see threesixtysmile play again, on Friday I'm going to see moderndayzero and Cavo, and then on Saturday, my friend and I are throwing a Halloween party....this is the end for now.
peace and hair grease