Jan 22, 2005 23:10
So things are never meant to be the same ever again. I can;t figure withch of these sins is greater. The lying ones that curse my tongue. OR the abominable ones that curse my life. The ones that made me unfaithful and dishonest. Or the ones that deemed me lustful and sexual to begin with. Neither answer offers any solace now. Neither explanation dries the certainty of tears. Because as the Earth turns on a lopsided axis, I realize I become a little less important with each day. I realize you will never again see me with that positive light. With the esteem that used to come floating on your voice. I'm alone now- with my thoughts, and it's the worst place I could be. Stewing in my own upside down, inside out words. Ones that always betray me. Wondering what I deserve now. WHat peace I seek? Wondering if you'll give it to me. Knowing I'm so obviously weak. So so much in need. But you're not going to. And though it was obvious. I'm in a state of utter surprise. You never will because my mouth permeated with lies.