Jul 13, 2006 12:58
You know what there are some in thsi world that are fine adn great. They realize you are a person and treat you as such, but let me tell you there are some that give most a BAD RAP! (yes I know that's irrelevent cause everything in life has those few who ruin the rep of the rest) So yeah I call this one to find out my balance on something that my dad is taking care of for me.. What does this chick do, basically ridicule and belittle me to the point of I was pissed! She asked questions such as "what were your plans for paying back when you obtained the credit from said creditors". HELLO are you not human. Maybe you have lived such a life that nothing bad has ever caused you to have some things fall short on you, but hello I have. I may not have made them right quick enough, but I try.. Little here little there, I try... (heck you even garnished my wages once many years ago, so got paid there too!) but you know when I am barely surviving at times with a child and supporting her, you are not a priority and how dare you speak at me like I planned on not paying the debt I brought upon myself at that time it was originally received! You didn't live inmy shoes, walk my life or take care of my child, so how do you know what my plans were or were not? How dare you talk to me like you know exactly who I am and what I was doing cause maam you don't! I realize I shouldn't take this heart, but well for some reason today of all days I did! I called abck adn asked for a supervisor and all, doubt anything will come of it (especially since one of the things I have in collection there is a combined thing between me and 4 people and though I paid my share, not all of them paid their's so it still shows outstanding and has merely grown in 11 years!) So i realize to this particular collection company i am nothing but a dog, nothing worth anything in this world, the only reason they would not wish death upon me is ebcause then they truly would get NOTHING ever again!
Thank you all for listening, seeing as I cannot get into myspace from work, had no choice but to vent here. Heck at least maybe someone will see/hear it and respond or care.. Otherwise at least I was able to get it off my chest right? (uh huh and if you know me at all you know even getting it out it will eat away at me for a bit longer!)