In Gotham City

Aug 01, 2006 19:27

The Kane Civic Auditorium has been rented out for Wayne Industries' annual general shareholders meeting.

Lucious Fox stands at the podium, addressing events of the past year that are of concern to various shareholder groups, making note of various growth opportunities (as always, that takes him a lot of time), addressing charitable contributions from Wayne Industries (as always, that takes him a lot of time as well). It's very dry, and it's very dull, and if it wasn't legally necessary most concerned would probably all just prefer a picnic or something instead. But it is most certainly necessary.

Lucious looks tired as he addresses the last of the independent shareholder concerns - some idiot from Ohio asking Wayne Industries to divest their holdings in the Czech Republic for some reason not adequately explained. Once it's finished, he can call for new business. There won't be any. Then they can all go home.

monocle, blue beetle, awesome society of evil, mirror master, icicle, dr. polaris, harley quinn, fatality, dr. alchemy, alfred, deathstroke the terminator, chronos, double down, joker, eve ludlow, batman, secret society, abra kadabra, robin, cheetah, nightwing, gorilla grodd, wonder woman, girder, flash wally west, major disaster

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