You must be kidding...

Jul 31, 2006 22:07

When Savant first showed up in the Gotham (and surrounding) area, he'd met the Batman. Who'd promptly told him just how much he failed at the hero thing. Savant's bore a slight grudge since, but Creote still has a bit of respect for the man's methodology.

Which is why, tonight, he's sitting on a rooftop near the docks and watching the workers pulling crates off a ship. Drugs, most likely. Definitely Sigiorello's men.

Of course, while there's a certain amount of admiration for the theatrics involved in the Batman, there's also a certain amount of "no way in Hell."

For instance, there's no way in Hell he's swinging on the cord Savant just bolted into the mast of the ship.

"For the last time, no. It's unsafe. It's fragile. It lacks grace. And Huntress is going to kill you when she discovers you stole one of her grapples."

If Savant wants so desperately for someone to swing his way into the fray, then he's welcome to do it himself.

creote, into the lion's den, savant

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