(no subject)

Jul 14, 2006 11:12

He'd been outside the Black Dragon after spending time distracting himself with Caleb and his mystery possession to investigate. The night was wearing on slowly and there was a feeling in the air like something was hanging over his head like a storm about to break. Some of it was his own reflections knowing that Zee is off playing bait for the big bad guys trying to destroy everything as usual.

The feeling of impending danger is suddenly overwhelming and a tiny spark comes to him from nowhere to hover over his outstretched hands.

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And he sees shadows of what happened. Strong magics that nearly destroyed the tiny spark sent to warn him.

He uses the sword to get to the theater, time seems to be of the essence. Slashing open a portal to the stage he stands in the shattered wreck of post battle remains. Taking a few steps he crouches down and picks up the shards of the fake symbol Occult had used.

"Should have let Rose drive Mate, she was always ten times the thinker you were." He's tapping the shards thoughtfully with one finger while he surveys the rest of the wreckage. The shards aren't from the real symbol, that means Occult was here and bolluxed it up somehow because he was gone as well.

Well they wanted Zee captured, they'd succeeded, now only time would tell if it actually made a difference or if it just meant she was the first to die.

"Hector, got a problem." He knows that Dr. Fate will be monitoring as well for things so his name should be enough to bring him.

dr. fate, john constantine, as time goes by, tefe holland

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