God Created the World, Then Created the Devil to Blame for His Mistakes

Jun 28, 2006 20:38

Perceptions in this place are without time to guide them because the Dark Angel doesn't exist in time. She was exiled out of time by others thinking she had served her purpose and her continued existence was too dangerous to contemplate. She had wandered before that for millennia among tribal peoples and watched the first civilizations grow into villages and then from villages, cities.

Gods like those on high Olympus were created when these creatures started to crawl and dream and mold their dreams to a common form. When those dreams were incomplete for the growth of their worshipers, they first tried to control the growth...to keep them under control. They would send floods and misery and lessons in the form of pain.

Everything grows up. The first Titans - the true Titans, not these supposed infants - learned that lesson painfully when their children exiled them and took their rule for themselves. Zeus had been presented the lesson twice. The most recent with his traitorous daughter, but the first lesson had been hers to deliver. The Box contained the ills of mankind and Zeus could not show his anger openly. Not with mankind feeding so many of his appetites.

She was created by Athena with a keen mind; blessed with a hearth and home by Hestia; Strong limbs by Artemis; Good fortune and knowledge of the world by Demeter, and Aphrodite - most cursed of all - offered her charms which her foolish groom, Epimethius, could not hope to resist. In a way, she was the first creation of the Great Goddesses. She was the first Amazon not those pathetic, subservients they created later. Zeus had whispered his curse of curiosity in her ear as she was given to her foolish husband to settle a grudge between himself and Prometheus who dared steal a little of his fire. Prometheus wished for his children to grow. Zeus could never allow it...

For to grow meant being replaced. To be exceeded and this could not be allowed.

And as she falls, Raven feels the open pain of her captor. Created for the purpose of if not destroying the world, then to keep it child-like forever. There's terror at realizing what she had done. Courage for a brief moment as she closed the box and contained hope before it escaped from the world. Rage as she killed her husband for her belief that he had known of Zeus's plans. Power lust as she consumed his power and became a Titaness herself - a goddess equal to those who had created her. Horror as the power drained her memories of the power away. Lifetime upon lifetime of becoming the incarnation of ancient misery until her capture and containment by those who created her. At least the confinement had brought her back to the knowledge of what she was.

Paula Von Gunther, the Nazi scholar, was as willing enough servant to let her through back into the world. The War threatened to tear the world asunder, leaving her its final master. It was glorious until the other like her had come. They had replaced her with a race of women and their Queen served as the Allies champion. Their mission - Hippolyta's mission - was to bring a balance back to the world. It was a balance she was created to destroy - and she would not be replaced. She had done the Gods work! She should not be exiled and cursed especially when this replacement acted as their champion.

The Dark Angel, Pandora, had lost the human war but not the larger one. Hippolyta returned home, her mission incomplete, and she would have been contained while she continued to walk the world. Had her adversary not begged for children...

That's when the empath can sense her friend and the mistress of this place like a beacon.

nightwing, flash wally west, raven, arsenal, troia, dark angel

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