a brief trip before heading to the Watchtower

Jun 07, 2006 14:39

She had gone to visit her sister and give her the news that the embassy was not needed anymore and to offer her assistance if it was needed. Diana was feeling very strange, there was so much change in her life at the moment, she hadn't been this unsure about things since her first arrival here in Man's World.

She had her duties with the League still, but her work with the Embassy and her home was over and that left a large gap in her life.

Diana was defined in so many roles, Wonder Woman, Ambassador, Hero, Princess...but very rarely as a woman, except to a few, she wondered if maybe she should get to know that side of herself better.

Right now she had a mission, to take the little sister that Selina had given her for her birthday someplace to stay until she had a home of her own...or at least could warn John that her friend that liked to attack feet while you were sleeping was coming with her for a visit. She hoped that Selina could help her out.

The half grown cat had climbed down her shirt when they took to the air from the embassy and wasn't showing any signs of coming out even after they landed near Selina's apartment. Diana was glad she had changed back into the Tigers t-shirt, in her costume this could have been problematic.

So there was a strange lump in her shirt when she knocked on the door.

plastic man, catwoman, wonder woman

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