Ground invasion of Themyscira: in order.

May 13, 2006 20:32

Wave after wave of Scylla-8 mantanks clamber upon Themyscira, powerful pacification weapons their primary armament. The island is rapidly flooded with tear gas, smoke and the fog of war; visibility rapidly drops to near-nothing.

Certain of these armored soldiers, though, have different orders than mere invasion...

amazons, black knight one, wonder woman, war, green lantern john stewart, lex luthor, artemis

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blackknightone May 13 2006, 20:18:08 UTC
He had been at Titans Tower yesterday, now he's 30,000 feet over the Water in a stolen SR-71. It's amazing with the influx of technology LexCorp has provided the US Military, how little they care for obsolete equipment. Slater avoided most of the security by towing the plane to the run way with a small truck as guards sat in a booth watching the NBA tournament. With no lights and few people paying attention, the Control Tower had 15 seconds to repond to the sudden burst of flame from the double jet engines. Slater screamed across the runway until it had taken off the ground. He hit the throttle to full and the plane hung in mid air for a moment before a loud blast propels it forward. One faked plane crash and two pre-planned fuel stops provides a safe escape. All provided by a section of Checkmate sympathic to the Themysciran cause, or at least anti-Luthor. In time, Slater is in range of the Themyscrian conflict.

With him are the plans for the Scylla-8 mantanks, and a light box specially rigged to counter act the pulse debilitator array weapons. He isn't afriad to be shot down because the theater orders are not to use violence. It isn't long before he recieves radio contant warning him to stay away from the conflict. He listens to it for a moment before switching to a JLA frequency given to him by Starfire almost two years ago.

"Any station on the net, Any station on the net. This is Black Knight One. I have intelligence on the weapons US ground forces are using. They are pulse debilitator arrays and I have something that will counter act thier effects. Please acknowledge."


theotherlantern May 13 2006, 20:32:12 UTC
John Stewart is fast on his way back to Themyscira, having been duped by Luthor's peace overtures... and suddenly, there's this guy he doesn't know on the JLA frequency...

"Acknowledged, Black Knight One," comes the response, barked. "How did you get this frequency?"

He knows the GLs are in trouble, but he doesn't have a full sitrep of the war front...


blackknightone May 13 2006, 20:39:33 UTC
His first instinct is to lie, but then he remembered...he doesn't have to do that anymore.

"Starfire of the Teen Titans. My time is short. Who am I speaking to?"

He's going to have to bail out of this bird soon or over shoot the objective.


theotherlantern May 13 2006, 20:48:46 UTC

"Green Lantern John Stewart."


blackknightone May 13 2006, 20:51:28 UTC
"I need to get to the Themysarian front, Green Lantern, if I bail out of this bird can you help me?"


theotherlantern May 13 2006, 21:07:23 UTC
There's not really any time for debate. He pours on the speed to cover the distance.

"If you're here to save lives, I've got your back, Black Knight."

If this doesn't work, he'll need a word or two with Starfire.


blackknightone May 13 2006, 21:24:25 UTC
The device is stowed with the webbing of his flight suit, tethered to a strip of 'hundred mile an hour' cord. A stowaway bag gets clipped to the same rigging. The plane gets put onto auto-pilot before Slater grasps for a yellow and black striped handle.

"Black Knight One to Green Lantern, bailing out."

The handle is pulled, before it reached the end of it's range of motion curcuits burn up all over the cockpit. The hatch bursts free flying out into the air then the thrusters on the bottom of the chair light up. The handle hits the end of it's range and the chair soars into the air. The plane flys off, lost in a plumb of smoke to eventually land into the ocean miles away. The chair tumbles over and over until the chute opens, stabilizing the fall. As soon as Slater gets his wits back, he releases the chair restriats.

He's free falling without a chute, clutching the device like it was his only salvation. The second bag flapping in the wind.


theotherlantern May 13 2006, 21:30:27 UTC
With a flash of emerald light, Black Knight is scooped up carefully, and soon hovering over the island as the ring-wielder approaches.

"You mind telling me what the hell's going on?"

He's not happy at all.


blackknightone May 13 2006, 21:36:21 UTC
"There are factions within the American Intelligence community that have allied themselves to oppose Luthor. I have used up every favor in the book to get this far with what I have. The plans for the ground forces mantanks and the counter acting sequence for the pulse debilitator arrays. There is alot that we don't know...but we know this must stop."


theotherlantern May 14 2006, 05:49:19 UTC
"Call me crazy, but I believe you. Where do you need me to put you?"


blackknightone May 14 2006, 12:13:45 UTC
"Right in front of the main American spearhead. That's where they are using the arrays the most. I have only one of this devices so we have to make it count."


theotherlantern May 14 2006, 14:45:29 UTC
He puts his ring to work, scanning the island for life forms and vehicles, until finally, he pinpoints the right spot, and descends with a protective energy bubble around them both.

They don't have a lot of time to pull this off...


blackknightone May 14 2006, 15:07:58 UTC
He goes right to work setting up the device. The extra bag has a small power cell with a cord. The cord plugs right into the device which springs to life with a colorful spread of light that swings 360 degrees.

"Lower the shield, it'll act as a green colored lens and render the device useless!" BK1 pulls out a titanium rod from his thiegh holster, "We'll have to defend the device the hard way!"


theotherlantern May 14 2006, 16:49:52 UTC
"I was afraid you were gonna say that," he returns, wryly, trying not to be as pissed off as he is. That could lead to recklessness.

The shield comes down, and he starts to pick and choose his targets, deflecting specific artillery as efficiently as he can...


blackknightone May 14 2006, 18:03:29 UTC
The device had to be placed in a exposed position with line of sight to as much of the battlefield as possible. With it's multicolored light he knew the very spot he stood on screamed 'shoot here'. It was paramount that this device keep working and the best way he could do this was to stand between the mantanks and the device. With the exception of his battlestaff, he was unarmed. He intended to defend this spot with hand to hand combat...and a miracle.


jla_extras May 14 2006, 21:34:22 UTC
Rubber bullets erupt in his direction as a squad sees the interloper.


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