
May 05, 2006 22:40

Artemis is standing on the beach with Diana, she, like the rest of the Amazons, is garbed in full armor and ready for battle.

Diana stands still, if there is inner turmoil it does not show in her posture, but Artemis shifts from foot to foot and her hand rubs the hilt of her sword as they wait.

"I don't see the need for this Diana, our answer was clear. This is a waste of our time."

"Time kept before we begin to die Artemis, you are an immortal now I would think a few hours would not be too long for you to wait to begin the slaughter." She doesn't look at the other woman.

"Spare me your lectures, and keep the men off our soil." a glare at the darker haired woman.

"I know what you wish me to do Artemis, and you are the elected leader here...but do not expect me to keep silent when I disagree with you." her chin is lifted, this tears her apart but she will do her duty to all as best she can. "I am sure that you do not have long to wait."

They go back to watching the sky.

amazons, green lantern hal jordan, green lantern travis grey, wonder woman, green lantern john stewart

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