As the Tower Brawl Continues

Apr 16, 2006 20:19

In the communal kitchen, Plasmus and Troia have been fighting bitterly. One is trying to pay back this team for humiliations real and perceived. He's been recruited to fight for money and to keep the heroes from persuing his intents on making a lot more of it. The Titan known as Troia fights for her home and for the life of Lian Harper and the ( Read more... )

plasmus, cheshire, troia

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jla_villains April 17 2006, 14:40:20 UTC
He throws another sizzling punch at her face. With intent to scar.


middle_amazon April 17 2006, 20:24:51 UTC
She actually "ducks," by moving her face down and to the left. Her hair burnt a little. With a war cry and still trying to keep him inned with her right, a left look comes towards his face as fast and hard as she can punch.


x__cheshire__x April 18 2006, 07:50:45 UTC
While the sounds of destruction and melee echoed throughout the Tower, Cheshire has been anxiously waiting for a chance to make her move. Whether or not this simply a random incursion or planned assault, if her daughter has been injured in any way, someone-or perhaps many someones-will suffer as a result of it. She darts off to the side nearest the door when the ceiling abruptly gives way and arches an elegant eyebrow when the dust clears to reveal Troia seemingly locked in mortal combat with an enemy formed of molten lava ( ... )


middle_amazon April 18 2006, 15:03:40 UTC
There have been words she's picked up from Wildcat and Roy that fly through her head about now. None of them sum up the completely screwed feeling.

She's been trying to get asylum for Jade. As the Themscryria situation drags, however it's been even more difficult. As Circe's magic undoes itself and Luthor takes full advantage it's been a trail to even contact the island. Her limited contacts don't allow for much of a case to be pleaded. She's tried to keep her undated, but a lot of days there isn't much to report.

And here we have a very deadly test of everyone's faith...

"Deathstroke is attacking!" she manages, despite the fiery hands grapling her. "He's been...watching Lian...please..."


x__cheshire__x April 18 2006, 21:08:31 UTC
For a moment, something ugly crosses Cheshire's face at the mention of Deathstroke. Not only is the organized attack upon the Titans within their own base a show of just how influential he has become, but he has also managed to keep surveillance on Lian without the knowledge of anyone else.

The former thought makes her question once more her foolishness as to the "side" she was currently dealing with, while the latter worries her to some degree. Any personal interest that Deathstroke may have in Lian is hardly a good thing.

But as for the situation at hand, Cheshire can't help considering how terribly easy it would be to just walk-or perhaps climb-away. But doing so would bring the game to an end far more quickly than she would have preferred. As it seems that Plasmus is distracted by his confrontation with Troia, she gazes at the nearly-ruined ceiling, her eyes scanning the exposed pipes for something that would help turn the proverbial tide more in her favor ( ... )


jla_villains April 18 2006, 21:15:33 UTC
He sees the second woman attacking and lunges at her.


x__cheshire__x April 18 2006, 21:31:41 UTC
She should have expected that it wouldn't be easy. Cheshire alters her descent with a graceful flip, landing behind behind Plasmus. Aiming for the cervical vertebra at the back of his head, she lashes out with a vicious kick. It's a blow that can paralyze or kill an ordinary man, how useful it will be against one so mutated is another matter.


jla_villains April 18 2006, 21:41:23 UTC
It hurts, and he stumbles forward -

but it only hurts, and he staggers around, angry.

This is not your fight, fraulein Cheshire. Perhaps you would be well advised to depart.


middle_amazon April 18 2006, 21:46:22 UTC
She's low to the ground after the engagement. Troia might not get another opening. This will hurt both of them like hell. Plasmus many have this radioactive coating, but he was once a human man. Time to find out if he can be hurt like one. Straight punch to the groin.


jla_villains April 18 2006, 21:47:19 UTC
His eyes cross, and he keels over, moaning in pain.


x__cheshire__x April 18 2006, 22:01:17 UTC
Plasmus' moans of pain lead Cheshire to smile at him cruelly.

"You would dare to risk my daughter in your assault, surely you did not think that it would go unpunished?"

She aims another blow at what she assumes to be the base of his skull and even if it does not render him unconscious, it will at least bring him further pain.


jla_villains April 19 2006, 19:39:41 UTC
She's burnt her hand in doing it, but he's unconscious now.


jla_villains April 20 2006, 00:07:51 UTC
This is not Colonel Computron's day ( ... )


x__cheshire__x April 20 2006, 08:12:53 UTC
Her hand is burnt and blistered and causing her pain, though she is not outwardly showing it. Displaying weakness before anyone, is one of the few things you could not pay Cheshire to do ( ... )


middle_amazon April 20 2006, 13:20:36 UTC
Gods, no!

Dimly, she recalls this is one of the Keystone baddies. They usually aren't the deadly sort, but more of those type have been moving in since Barry's death a few years ago.

Everything hurts. Her legs, arms and parts of her face and chest are burnt. She feels nausated from the radiation. Cheshire very well might have saved her life.

If he drops Lian, she'll be able to catch her, she thinks but it's hardly a guarantee.


jla_villains April 20 2006, 13:26:15 UTC
For his part, Basil notices the lady in green moving. Damn heat! All this irradiated metal is causing some of the suit's sensors to short out. "Stop or I -"

He doesn't get the words out before a rocket launches out of his arm towards the women.


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