A Pleasant Evening With Family

Feb 15, 2006 16:20

He slams the door to his car with a creaking thud. The one thing he always loves about his car is the complete sense of security it grants him. Not for one minute would someone think to steal is beaten up old heap. If they tried, they'd never be able to get the thing started in the first place. Jim smiles as he checks himself to make sure he's ( Read more... )

nightwing, oracle, jim gordon, mary grayson

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_nightwing_ February 15 2006, 22:54:37 UTC
Dick emerges from the nursery, holding Mary over his shoulder. She's fresh from a bath, dressed in a clean jumper suit, and busy looking around at everything. He makes his way over to his wife and father-in-law, and extends a hand in greeting.

Evening, sir.


gothamflatfoot February 16 2006, 13:48:20 UTC
"Hello, Dick." Jim turns from the conversation he's having with Barbara and shakes the extended hand, "It's good to see you." Then he brings his nose up to Mary's face, "and how are YOU, you little angel?" He grabs her tiny hand and her fingers wrap around his. He melts into a smile.


oracle_watching February 16 2006, 14:01:04 UTC
"Our daughter the heartbreaker," teases Babs.


gothamflatfoot February 16 2006, 15:46:54 UTC
"Takes after her mother in that way, you know? I'll tell you again, I can't wait until she's a teenager. She's going to be every bit as smart as you ever were and she's going to give you just as much trouble." He turns back, laughing, to Mary who is still holding on to his finger, "It's a deal, lets shake on it." He's smiles.


_nightwing_ February 16 2006, 19:47:18 UTC
He grins, winking at Babs as Mary shrieks happily.

She got a double dose of it from her parents. I figure I'll be plucking her off light fixtures before she's walking.


oracle_watching February 16 2006, 21:07:30 UTC
Babs gives a theatrical shudder.


gothamflatfoot February 17 2006, 08:00:29 UTC
"Did I ever tell you the story about when Barbara, naked as the day she was born, climbed out on the fire escape and started singing It's a Grand Old Flag while waving the American Flag she brought home from school that day? I still have no idea how long she was out there before I dragged her back in." Gordon laughs, "Believe me, raising Babs was the biggest, not mention edge-of-your-seat, adventure I've ever had."


oracle_watching February 17 2006, 08:03:23 UTC


_nightwing_ February 17 2006, 08:29:39 UTC
He's covering his mouth with a hand, but it's impossible to hide the snort of laughter, or the amusement that's telegraphed in his facial expression.


gothamflatfoot February 17 2006, 08:44:40 UTC
Jim looks at Barbara with innocent eyes, "What? I'm sharing. It's my priviledge as a grandfather to tell embarassing stories about my daughter." He kneels over and give Babs a big hug, then turns to Dick, "I've got a million of 'em just like it." His grin is ear to ear.


_nightwing_ February 17 2006, 08:49:15 UTC
Oh, I have -got- to hear these...

Even if it means he has to suffer for laughing later.


oracle_watching February 17 2006, 08:59:05 UTC
Babs looks at her husband, looks at her father, looks at her giggling daughter, and then announces, "I'm going to the kitchen to finish up supper." Giving them all a wry grin, she turns her wheelchair around and rolls out of the living room.


gothamflatfoot February 17 2006, 11:51:42 UTC
"What?! What did I say?" His smile tells them he knows exactly what he said. It's easy to forget Jim's capacity for mischief which he hides well under the guise of being an old stick-in-the-mud. Surprisingly, it still seems to work. He turns to Dick, "So, how've you been lately?"


_nightwing_ February 18 2006, 06:22:35 UTC
He's still grinning. Mary is trying to make sense of the new presence in the room, eyes wide; but she seems otherwise unintimidated.

Getting used to not getting a whole lot of sleep anymore, though Mary's been pretty good about that this last couple weeks. Meant I could get back to a few projects I had to put off. How's the teaching going, sir? Babs said you'd taken some time off.


gothamflatfoot February 19 2006, 15:56:24 UTC
"Yes, I had some other things I wanted to do so I took the semester off. I'll be back at it in the Fall, though. For now, it's good to have a little time off."


_nightwing_ February 19 2006, 19:24:21 UTC
We're going down to Florida pretty soon. Mary hasn't seen the circus yet.

He pauses to extract Mary's small fingers from his mouth.


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