Petty Revenge

Dec 13, 2005 15:31

Stupid cow wishes to work with Ares to thwart my retrieving my daughter. Well once her oversized godly ass is out of the picture he will be far easier to control. I can easily deal with him having his own agenda but her having a third one on top of it is difficult to juggle. Let's pare down the players here and get to the nitty gritty ( Read more... )

wonder woman, circe, aphrodite

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jla_olympus December 13 2005, 12:50:39 UTC
The stones return to their former position. "What's the matter, Circe?" drawls a voice from behind her. "Ares no longer able to get it up for you, so you have to tear other things down?"


jla_extras December 13 2005, 12:58:44 UTC
"What better way to get your attention cow? This place is a ruin anyway, you should take better care of your places of power."


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 13:01:18 UTC
Aphrodite tosses her hair back, her chin tilting up as she laughs. "My power is couched in more places than here. In more places than you could ever dream of, witch." She smirks. "Even clumsy coupling such as yours can do me honor ... keep practicing, darling. One of these centuries you're bound to get better."


jla_extras December 13 2005, 13:08:27 UTC
"And what pretty fairy tale did Ares spin for you to try and get your aid with the Amazons? I'm not thick enough to believe he isn't playing both sides of the fence here."


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 13:15:17 UTC
The love goddess tilts her head, slowly studying Circe from head to toe. "Well, dear, I wasn't going to say anything, but you did bring up how thick you are...." She tilts down her sunglasses, her eyes gazing directly at the witch. "I'm certainly not thick enough to tell you what Ares and I talk about, when it comes to my Amazons. But maybe you're right. Maybe it's time he stops playing both sides of the fence. Maybe it's time I take out the insufferable upstart who thinks of herself as a player."


jla_extras December 13 2005, 13:28:40 UTC
She bursts out laughing. "Oh that is funny, coming from the one whose godly behind is growing wider ever millennia!" She purrs and wiggles her fingers in a 'bring it bitch' gesture.

"Shall we see how in shape you are, goddess of idiocy?"


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 13:34:22 UTC
"There is nothing wrong with my behind," growls the goddess. "I'm going to pull out every one of your stupid purple hairs and stuff a cushion with them."


jla_extras December 13 2005, 13:40:09 UTC
She tosses her hair with a smirk.

"At least mine came in this color." she coughs into her hand "*cough*bleachjob*cough*"


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 13:42:22 UTC
"My tresses are divinely golden and suit my complexion perfectly. Plus I don't need a corset to keep my figure, Miss I Got My Fashion Ideas from Watching Too Much Xena."


jla_extras December 13 2005, 13:57:33 UTC
"So instead you wear something with no support for your sagging figure. Tsk Tsk, no wonder you married Hephaestus, no one else wanted your hag like features."


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 14:12:16 UTC
"I'll rearrange your features!" Aphrodite's hand flashes out to deliver what would be a dainty slap, were it delivered by a mortal hand.

But Aphrodite's hand, like the rest of her, is not mortal, and far less dainty than it appears.


jla_extras December 13 2005, 14:19:41 UTC
The slap knocks Circe clear across the clearing and into one of the newly repaired columns. With a growl of anger she leaps back to her feet and taking the strides back to Aphrodite tangles one manicured hand in her hair and pulls.


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 14:28:05 UTC
Aphrodite shrieks as the hair comes away in Circe's hand. "You'll pay for that, you--you sow." Her hand darts out again, fingers curled and spread wide, her nails looking as sharp as shark's teeth, ready to rend Circe's cheek to the bone.


jla_extras December 13 2005, 15:55:49 UTC
With a curse Circe ducks so it is her shoulder that is sliced to ribbons instead of her face.

"You great stupid COW!" Blood is sheeting down her arm and her palm flashes out to slap the goddesses smirking face.


jla_olympus December 13 2005, 16:35:48 UTC
The slap turns her face away, and turns her cheek an unbecoming shade of red. More than that, it actually causes Aphrodite to stumble backwards. When she regains her footing, the glare in her eyes has a harder quality to it. "Enough of your impudence, witch!" She raises a hand and snaps her fingers. Pink and gold sparks fly from her fingertips, swirling around her hand in a speedy orbit before zooming out to encircle Circe.


jla_extras December 13 2005, 16:56:09 UTC
They are in her arena now. Her powers came from Hecate herself, she holds the magic of a god.

Green and purple light intersects the brilliant specks and they clash with a sharp stab of light.

"Is that the best you can do harridan?" She needs her very angry for this to work.


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