Dec 06, 2005 03:01
This is hardly what Tara wanted. Expected, yes. Wanted, no. She still felt like she's been hit by a truck. Cyborg packed a wallop with that stunner.
She's on her way to the cells, probably. She hears the wheels of a stretcher and the feel of an inhibitor collar as she's pushed down a corridor...
beast boy
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As soon as he undoes the top strap, she strikes like a snake, jamming the dart in his shoulder. The neurotoxin goes right to his head, making his muscles feel twice as heavy.
Before he can react further, she undoes the bottom buckle and tries to get up.
A look of suprised hurt crosses his face, especially in his eyes, and the sound of his unbelieving mind garbling words cross his lips.
Tara?! But...why?
He stumbles, falling to a knee, supporting himself with the stretcher, trying desperately to hold on to it, hand leaving his shoulder, his arms wrapping around the surface, hands clinging to bedsheet and side as his head leans to the side on the surface as his legs wobble unsteadily.
"Can't be anything but me, Logan." Why is it hard to speak? "Another time, 'nother life, maybe we coulda been something," she admits.
Than she takes off down the corridor, headed for the lab and the closest exit.
For a second with the disorientation he wonders if she's finishing him off somehow.
Then it occurs to him.
It's no physical weapon, nor injury. His heart was just torn in two, the remnants crushed under her heel.
He's so numb right now, he can't even feel the tears running down his cheeks as he activates the alarm on his communicator.
Even without the toxin affecting his ability to speak, Gar would make as much incoherent sense. His mind is equally as scrambled as his body right now.
"S-S'fire...shells...Ta-Tara gone...!"
He still doesn't want to believe it. The words ache to understand and comprehend.
"She...shtabbed me. Sh-she..."
The dart isn't embedded in Gar's shoulder anymore, but the wound is visible, the dart itself on the bed, dropped there when he clutched the sheets for balance, still supporting himself on it now.
He has abolutely no idea why nor how, but the love of his life just stabbed him and left him for absolutely no reason, with absolutely no sign of regret, remorse or guilt.
He covers his face with both hands, and begins to break down crying.
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