Mexico City

Dec 01, 2005 11:32

The apartment is old and the neighborhood is worse, even for this place. Still it serves as a shelter from the shitstorm the kicked up. The first few gangs trying to muscle her over now serve as a warning to others. Strong fences make for good neighbors and all..

About half a year ago, a half baked cult of demonologist used the place in an attempt to summon something naturally they botched the job and got turned into meat confetti, but the residual energies proved strong enough to act as a figurative 'whit noise generator' astrally speaking. To most, that means 'eerie feeling' and 'creepy vibes' comming off the place. To the Enchantress, it meant she had a place to stay off the radar for awhile. The next question of course was 'what now?'. Light split and the JSA and their buddies effectively handed them thier behinds. She still had the worst headache in the world from her run in with the JSA Lantern. For all her showboating, he nearly had popped her like zit with the magic he flooded her with. It felt like someone tried to inflate a tire inside her head. Squaring off with the Green Lantern wasn't something she wanted to try again any time soon.

Bored, sore, and irritated she tosses aside the newspaper and looks over to the corner where he captive crouches. Time to play.

"Crawl for me Sand. Crawl..."

enchantress, sand, sabaac

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