Gotham City, outside Jim Gordon's home

Nov 11, 2005 13:00

"No, honey, you stay here and keep the motor running--I'll get Dad," Babs insists to her husband, activating the wheelchair lift before he can demur. Moments later, she is knocking on her father's front door.

nightwing, oracle, jim gordon

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gothamflatfoot November 11 2005, 11:07:55 UTC
The door to his flat opens and Jim Gordon is standing before her in the garb he is so notorious for, even the threadbare trenchcoat for which he continues to refuse replacement.

"Hi, Princess. You know, you could have just buzzed and I could have come down." He leans over and gives her a firm hug, "Dick waiting int he car?"


oracle_watching November 11 2005, 11:11:39 UTC
"Yes." She hugs him back, reveling in the ability to do so after feeling so ungainly in her last trimester. "He offered to come up here himself, but I told him I could manage it."


gothamflatfoot November 11 2005, 11:59:27 UTC
"Well of course you can manage it. I didn't hassle the jerks who own this place about putting that chair lift in for nothing. It's good to have friends in pretty much every office of the city. All it took was a little comment about how the city would want to be informed about the lack of accessability. Lift was installed the next day." Gordon laughs, "Shall we go?"


oracle_watching November 11 2005, 12:01:48 UTC
She can't hold back the laughter. "Exercising your clout, huh? For me?" Babs takes her dad's hand and squeezes it gratefully. "Yeah, c'mon--let's go."


gothamflatfoot November 11 2005, 12:32:59 UTC
They emerge from the building into the cool night air. "I have a suggestion. Why don't you have Dick park the car near the restaurant and you and I can stroll there. It's just around the corner, but that gives me a chance to have a little one on one time with my daughter."


oracle_watching November 11 2005, 12:44:58 UTC
"You sure?" She blinks in surprise. "Okay. You realize he'll probably go slowly enough that he'll be able to keep us in view the whole time."


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