In a deserted hotel in Gotham...

Oct 27, 2005 15:49

50 minutes. The clock on the wall said that Caleb had been fiddling with the antimagic field in the hotel room for 50 minutes, now. As he did, his mind tried to do what it did best - analyze the situation.

Why a hotel? Aren't there too many people? He hadn't heard anyone else. And judging from the scorch marks he saw in the hallway outside when the Al Koyet opened the door, he wasn't going to. Part of the building must have caught fire, and it hasn't yet been cleared to re-open.

As Caleb is taken back by the simplicity of it, he suddenly feels a swell of power. The anti-magic field. He'd been tugging on the magic that sustained it for so long that he wasn't even noticing it anymore. Now he was - now he'd absorbed it. Careful not to smile, Caleb looked over at his 3 vampire captors. None were even looking at him.

So much the better. Quietly, Caleb transmuted a very small section of each duct tape bind into air, as to retain the appearance of him being bound, but not the effect. He begins to concentrate on the gun they took from him. Then, without warning, he launches himself to his feet, and transports the gun to his hand. In on fluid motion, he takes aim and begins firing at the vampires. It has to be a headshot, Z! Make these count!

merlynne, captain marvel, demon hunt, green lantern alan scott, green shield, caleb zukov

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