*New York City, the Marvel Universe.*

Oct 09, 2005 20:04

Fate leaves the Baxter Building and rises into the air. He doesn't know what it is, exactly, but something about this world has been making him edgy -- maybe it's just the proximity to Doom. The man radiates malevolence.

Or maybe it's the world itself -- tensions between humans and so-called "mutants" skyrocket, and a latent distrust of all superhumans percolates beneath the surface of the society. He lands on top of the Baxter Building and looks out at the skyline, pushing his mind to understand this world -- he sees the island nation of Genosha, destroyed by robots called sentinels. Of course, in his own world, cities like Coast City and Montevideo have been eradicated, also. He finds a love of heroes such as the Fantastic Four below him, but that lvoe doesn't translate to all this world's protectors. It frustrates him. The balance between order and chaos is different here. He is the alien, and he's not accustomed to it.

He pushes his mind further, looking for a trace of the missing T'Challa. He finds none, but can see other points where the transit between worlds has been interrupted. He's not sure, but they may all be arriving on the same world. Is someone not letting them back?

It's a puzzle, one of too many, lately. He dislikes this business, and wants it finished he wishes to return...

"Home?" says a woman's voice, behind him. It sounds familiar, but he cannot place it. He spins to see who is speaking to him.

dr. fate, operation: chaos, wonder woman hippolyta

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