The city by the bay hums with its daily activities. Traffic is a little slow, but that's to be expected at this hour. University students argue in and out of the classroom. Waiters and waitresses take lunch orders for seafood or vegetarian cuisine. The skies are clear, and a light breeze ruffles along the winding streets. Just another pleasant
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ReD anD yellOW AnD drINk and blEEn! BuRPle anD torranGE aNd SHoe!
He catches sight of Delirium and stops dead.
"You... you're the girl from my dream!!"
Delirium claps her hands, forgetting to skip.
dO yOU kNOw whERE my doGGie is?
"Uhm... do you mean Barnabus?"
She stands on one foot, then tumbles over to stand on her head.
oH! BaRNY wHO sAYs I'M barMY bUt lOVes mE anYWAy! liKE mY bROther. I MISS mY brOTHEr. CaN yOu hELP Me fINd hiM?
She tumbles down from the headstand.
DO yOU lIKe mY sNOw?
He blinks at her.
"This is your snow?"
He thinks hard for the appropriate responcse, then shrugs. He has no idea what to do, so he'll just go with his first... impulse.
"No! It's yucky!! Make it go away or I won't be your freind!!"
bUT i thOUGht it WaS nICer thAN tHe frOGGies. oR tHe piNGy pOnGy baLLs.
cAN't yOu hELp mE? tHe prETty pUrPle gIRl is suPPoseD tO hElP.
hEAd stRinGieS?
"Sounds like Mar'i to me! StayrighthereI'llberightbackwithprettypurplegirlandyoucanaskherok?"
And he's off.
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