Painful Memories Grow With Time

Sep 28, 2005 23:04

Garth rarely slept well at the palace. In many ways he didn't believe he belonged there, like he was wearing clothes a foot too long. Last night was worse. The dreams came in quick succession with a similar theme.

Aqualad felt full of excitement. The big surprise party for Aquaman was almost ready and he just had to bring the guest-of-honor. But Aquaman started raving that Garth was trying to usurp his role as "King of the Sea." He told Garth he would abandon him again on the reef he found him on for trying to steel his throne. Garth reached up and adjusted the crown on his head and rubbed his beard, his scowl growing deeper.

He vaguely heard Dolphin tell him to stop grinding his teeth and roll over.

Aquaman sat on an impossibly large throne of coral. He is out of his mind. He commands the dolphins and the sharks to tear each other apart and laughs as the water fills with blood. Mera stands nearby, dressed in black with a black veil. Aqualad wants to stop his mentor, his father in many ways. Mera weeps and Aqualad steps up to the throne. He feels so small and weak compared to the mighty Aquaman. He tries to reason with him, but Aquaman grows angry and hurls his trident at the young boy. The trident pierces his chest.

Garth sits upright, his eyes wide, his breathing heavy. He reaches for his chest, knowing it is okay. Aquaman did try to kill him, but he missed. He had amnesia and didn't know what he was doing. Dolphin was not on the bed beside him. She had told him weeks ago that if he thrashed about she would go to a different bed. Garth couldn't blame her. He rolled over and slept took him once more.

There was pain in his chest, but this time the memory was real. Aquaman's trident was covered in Garth's blood. Arthur was berating him, belittling him, calling him a coward. The villainous Black Manta stood at twice his height and unmoving behind him. Garth had refused to join the hunt for the killer. His payment was bloodshed and a wound so much deeper than the trident could cause. In his sleep Garth wept as the words "Don't forget you are expendable. I should have left you on the reef to die" echoed through his memory.

Garth woke again with a start. The dreams had been too real. They had been so close to what had happened, but a bit off as dreams are sometimes. His hands shaking, he climbed out of bed and ran his hands again over his chest. Three very faint scars remained, memories that would never fade.

To himself, his voice echoing in the near empty room, he said, "Well King of the Seas, your greatest fear is almost a reality. I'm poised to take your throne. If I do take it, I won't be the 'punching bag' I used to be. You almost killed the boy in your jealousy. But I'm not a boy anymore." He quickly dressed and left his bedroom for the throne room. He needed to know that it was still vacant, that the King had not returned.

aquaman, atlantis, tempest

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