And Now For The Moment You've All Been...Waiting For?

Sep 18, 2005 17:57

Ollie looks left and right at his competitors. They all seem to be about at the same point he's at. People are loosened up and having fun, Sue's made her announcement (with the point drilled home by Lian), and supervillains have crashed the party and gotten their butts kicked. The time is right.Hey Gardner! Get your butt over here and taste this ( Read more... )

green arrow ollie queen, black lightning, dr. mid-nite, troia, black canary, green lantern kilowog, green lantern guy gardner, caleb zukov, arsenal, speedy, chili party, green lantern hal jordan, major disaster, fauna, green arrow connor hawke, lian harper

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jla_extras September 19 2005, 13:42:38 UTC
"Well, step up and try some of my chili," Joan offers, carefully ladeling the chili into clean bowls. She is wearing a spotlessly clean white apron. "It might not be spicy, but it's certainly got flavor. I've brought hot sauce and chopped peppers if you want to add a bite."

Yes. And sour cream. And fresh grated cheese. And chopped onions. And diced cilantro. And fresh chopped tomatoes.


straight_arrow September 19 2005, 13:46:08 UTC
Ollie looks over at Joan's table.

Damn, Joan! You really know how to set up a spread!


jla_extras September 19 2005, 14:22:10 UTC
"Well, thank you, Ollie," Joan smiles, handing him a bowl. "This was really a very nice idea you had."


straight_arrow September 19 2005, 14:26:59 UTC
Hal's idea. I just embellished.


_jaded_one_ September 19 2005, 13:46:56 UTC
...and if Jade managed her little trick properly, the bowl that heads Guy's way will have some extra seasonings: Thai chilis that rival habeneros for sheer unadulterated pain. About a tablespoon's worth.


_black_canary_ September 19 2005, 14:40:19 UTC
"I'd love some hot sauce, Aunt Joan--ooh, and cilantro."


jla_extras September 19 2005, 15:34:52 UTC
"There's already a hint of cilantro in there, but some people like it strong..."


gin_n_tectonic September 19 2005, 14:40:40 UTC
Booker grabs a bowl and tries Joan's stuff straight up, mulls it around in his mouth for a bit, then goes over to the condiments and adds a little of everything except sour cream, and tries it again.

He then starts eating his way through the bowl at a steady but very deliberate pace. When the last spoonful is in his mouth, he holds up his bowl and nods politely as he finishes chewing.

Moh peaz, Miz Gavvick?


jla_extras September 19 2005, 15:34:01 UTC
Joan laughs as she carefully serves him seconds. "You see? It doesn't need to ignite your mouth to tickle your tastebuds," she smiles. "The secret is how long you let it simmer and let the flavors blend."


gin_n_tectonic September 19 2005, 16:04:42 UTC
He wipes his mouth.

Ma'am, if you ever give cookin' lessons, lemme know. I would totally sign up.


jla_extras September 19 2005, 16:22:33 UTC
"Well, aren't you sweet?" she asks. "You should come by for dinner some time. We'd love the company."


_wondergirl_ September 19 2005, 23:44:05 UTC
Not as spicy sounds just my style. I like my taste buds right where they are. Oooh, cheese and tomatoes, too. Cool.

*starts eating*

Mmm, This is really good, Mrs Garrick.


jla_extras September 20 2005, 01:22:26 UTC
"Well, thank you, Cassie. I'm glad you like it."


straight_arrow September 20 2005, 03:05:07 UTC
A bit later, Ollie grabs some of Joan's chili, sprinkling some cheese on top.

Niiice. A bit bland for my taste, but you are a wizard in the kitchen.

You know? We should make you up a costume. Put you out in the field, distract the bad guys with your cooking. We could call you "SuperChef", and give you a cape like Big Blue's.


jla_extras September 20 2005, 10:01:02 UTC
She laughs. "Oh, Ollie..."


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